Vol. 1: Chapter 4.1 - The Gates of Hell

Start from the beginning

"You're sitting in a priority seat. It's natural to offer up those seats to
the elderly."

"I don't understand. Priority seats are just that: priority seats. I have no legal obligation to move. Since I'm currently occupying this seat, I should be the one who determines whether or not I move. Am I supposed to give up my seat just because I'm young? Ha! That reasoning is nonsense."

He didn't speak like any normal high school student. Though I haven't been in one of those in ages so who am I to judge? Although, since we're going to a supposedly elite school, he fits the bill of the type of students I expected to see there.

"I'm a healthy young person who certainly wouldn't find standing
inconvenient. However, I'd obviously expend more energy by standing than I would by sitting. I have no intention of doing such a pointless thing. Or are you suggesting I should act a bit livelier, I wonder?" He's definitely got a point there lady. I'd hate to stand up even though there's a perfectly good seat right there.

"Wh-what kind of attitude is that to take with your superiors?" she

"Superiors? Well, it's obvious that both you and the old woman there
been alive longer than I have. There can be no doubt about that. However, the word 'superior' implies that you're referring to someone of a higher position. In addition, we have another problem. Even though our ages are different, wouldn't you agree that you have an impertinent attitude and are being extremely rude?"

He's got a point there, she was being pretty rude, though the boy really wasn't doing any better. The office lady should probably give up soon, seeing that it's a lost cause.

If I was in his situation, I'd probably do something similar since I partly agreed with him, even worse if I was in a bad mood. Though I already know that my comebacks won't be as intelligent as his and I'd resort to 'I don't wanna guve up my seat' with no other arguments.

I would eventually give up the seat though, especially of the office lady was a bit nicer. I'm still a nice guy deep down.

"Wha- You're a high schooler, aren't you?! You should be quiet and listen to what adults tell you!" Why are you even still trying lady?! Can't you see he won't budge!

"It's f-fine, whatever..." the elderly woman mumbled. She apparently didn't want any further commotion and tried to calm the office lady. But after being insulted by the high school student, the younger woman still seemed very upset.

"Apparently, this elderly woman is more perceptive than you, which is nice. Also, I haven't given up on Japanese society yet. Please enjoy your remaining years." Hopefully that takes care of that.

I looked to my side, wanting to know what Ayanokouji thought of all this. But the moment I saw that calculating look on his face, I decided to just leave him alone.

"Um, I think the office lady is right"
The woman received unexpected support from someone standing
alongside her. The helper, a girl wearing my high school's uniform, gave her brave and frank opinion to the boy. She had beige shoulder length hair and had a cute face to boot. Is this what all girls in the school look like?

Though I did hear a distinct ringing in my head, a clear indication that one of my 'Detect' skills had activated. Specifically, Detect Motive had caused that ringing, which means the girl is lying.

A shame, she lookes really cute too.

"And the new challenger is a pretty girl, eh? It would seem that I'm
rather lucky with the fairer sex," the boy said.

"This poor woman appears to have been suffering for quite some time
now. Won't you offer up your seat? While you might consider such courtesy unnecessary, I think it would contribute greatly to society."

Crack! The boy snapped his fingers.

"A contribution to society, you say? Well, that is a rather interesting
opinion. It's certainly true that offering up one's seat to the elderly could be viewed in such a positive light. Unfortunately, I have no interest in contributing to society. I care only for my own satisfaction. Oh, and one more thing. You're asking me, the one in the priority seat, to give up his spot, but couldn't you simply ask one of the other people seated on this crowded bus? If you truly cared for the elderly, then something like priority seating would be a rather trivial concern, wouldn't you agree?" The boy's haughty attitude remained unchanged. Both the office lady and the female student decided that talking further with the boys was a loss cause and opted to ask the rest of the passengers instead.

"Excuse me. Can anyone of you give up your seats for the old lady?" The female student pleaded to the other passengers.

I could see that there were a few who partly agreed with the boy and a few who looked a bit guilty about not giving their seats despite having no intention to do so.

Fucking hypocrites. If you feel sooo guilty then why don't you give up your seats then.

There was a third type of person, one who ignored the situation altogether, not even bothering to listen to the commotion.

One such person was sitting a few ways away from us, she had long black hair and piercing red eyes focused on a book on her hands.

She looked like the ice queen type so I'll ignore her and looked away. Unfortunately, Ayanokouji wasn't able to do so and proceeded to lock eyses with the girl for a second, before going back to whatever they were doing.

"Um... You can have my seat." Finally someone stood out from the crowd and gave their seat to the old woman.

"Oh thank you! Thank you so much!" Man the old lady must be really happy to finally be able to sit down huh.

With the commotion done, Ayanokouji and I got back to talking, though it was mostly me doing it since he really sucked at conversation. Towards the end, we lulled to a comfortable silence as the we slowly approached our destination.

At that point, I lost interest in taking in the outside scenery amd just wanted to get off this bus already, though Ayanokouji was still intently looking at the view sobhe seems to disagree.

Once the bus stepped and we stepped out onto the ground, I told Ayanokouji to walk ahead since I had to wait for my friends. Before he was able to do so, he was stopped by that black-haired girl from the bus and she seems slightly annoyed at him.

Eh, it's none of my business.

I waited outside of the school gates for a few minutes before finally getting a glimpse of my three primary-color haired companions.

As usual Aqua looked like she was about to cry, Megumin was positioned as if she was holding her staff but there was nothing in her hands and Darkness was...pretty normal actually.

The depressed Aqua walked by me without a word. Sensing my confusion, Megumin filled me in.

"Aqua tried to do her fish attracting trick for some bystanders on the bridge... It didn't go too well." Ah, I see. She probably attracted a whale or shark or something and it somehow inconvenienced everyone else. Or worse, she caused them property damage!

"Oi Aqua!" I ran to catch up to her, with Megumin and Darkness doing the same. "I'll let you drink some of your favorite bubbly that I brought with me." I whispered to her.

Immediately, the rain clouds over head dissipated and looked at me with a dazzling smile. "Really, Kazuma?" I nod at her. "Yay! You're the best!"

She's really predictable like this...

Still, I actually did bring some of her alcohol with me, if only as a bargaining chip. As you can see, it's really effective.

We slowly walked towards the school building, the girls almost surrounding me was routine at this point. I did get a few pings from my skills coming from the jealous boys though. So naturally I exuded the most cocky aura I could do just to rub it in their faces.

We're finally here, the start of a new adventure... This'll be a normal high school life. I'm sure it is...


To be continued...

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