20. Picture perfect

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They had chosen not to tell anyone about the extra baby, wanting it to be a fun surprise when they finally arrived. Harry was now almost four months pregnant and he started to have trouble hiding his belly, even with the jackets and scarfs he often wore to work. "I think it's time to let the cat out of the bag" he told Louis one morning when he struggled to close his pants. "You sure?" "Yes, I'm tired of hiding it. Everything is fine and they're growing perfectly. I want to be able to show it off and make everyone jealous" he said with a smirk. "There's my devil shining through." Louis teased. "If you're sure we'll let everyone know when you're leaving for maternity leave, and we have to find your replacement so they can be trained before you do." "Sounds like a plan" Harry agreed and they left soon after.

That morning they had a scheduled meeting with all the managers at work and decided to tell them the news. Harry took off his jacket and  you could see his bumb very clearly in his light blue shirt as he walked in last and greeted everyone before standing next to Louis. "So, I will be searching for an apprentice to take over my position as assistent when I leave in about 4 months time. Louis will also be taking some time off and therefore we need you all to divide and conquer the projects in the meantime. If needed Adam will be able to contact us, and he'll have the last say if there's any problems." Harry said as he gestured to the omega sitting on Louis' other side. "He has the ability to make any decision, as well as the responsibility of running the company. I'll only be gone a few weeks and then back parttime, Harry will be gone for almost a year and will return as vice president for the company, and my right hand and equal in all matters." Louis added. It took a moment for some of them to figure it out, but when Louis placed a hand on Harry's belly and kissed his cheek, they all caught on and the room erupted in cheers and applaus. Harry beamed as they were congratulated and Louis couldn't be more proud of his omega in that moment. "I love you" he whispered in Harry's ear and they locked eyes for a few seconds before Harry replied and kissed him in front of everyone. "I love you too Lou".

As time went by, Harry grew bigger and bigger, Louis grew more and more proud but also worried about his omega and the upcoming birth of their twins. "Isn't it supposed to be me who are worried about that?" Harry asked one night when they were cuddled up on the bed. "Probably, but since when has anything regarding us been as 'supposed'?" Louis questioned. "You have a point there. Don't worry Lou! The doctor say everything is perfect, I feel fantastic and our pups are happy and healthy, keeping me up all night with their football match. We'll all be fine and everything is going to be perfect when they arrive. I promise." Harry straddled Louis legs as he spoke and placed his hands on either side of his head. Louis placed one hand on Harry's hip and the other caressed Harry's cheek before landing on his big belly between them. "I know. I just can't handle if anything were to happen to either of you three. It would break me Haz" he looked down for a moment while caressing the belly, and then locked eyes with Harry before pulling him close to kiss his forehead. "I know that, but aren't you the one who keep calling me the strong one out of the two of us? Everything is going to be fine and very soon we'll be a family of four." "Four" Louis sighed and smiled happily "I still can't wrap my head around the fact that we're having twins" he grinned. "Well I can feel them both so you better be ready for them daddy." "Oh, I'm ready alright" Louis replied as he pushed Harry over on the bed and hovered above him.

Harry giggled and adjusted a pillow on his back so he was more comfortable. He put his hands above his head. "Show me how ready you are daddy" he winked and Louis took a sharp breath. His eyes turned darker and his hand ran up and down Harry's side before he grabbed his legs and bend it around his own waist. He pushed down with his lower half and Harry let out a moan as his eyes closed and he hid his head in his arm. Louis started to undo his shirt and pants and trailed kisses down his neck and chest before stopping to play with his nipples. Harry tried to lay still but he had to arch his back in pure pleasure. Louis rewarded him with a suck and a small bite on both nipples. Harry whimpered and moaned loudly as Louis took his sweet time to caress every inch of him and worship his very pregnant body. Harry hoped that this level of intimacy between them would never stop and prayed that no amount of pups would end their sexlife, even if it surely would take its toll on it. He was pretty sure that he couldn't live without Louis' knot and the satisfaction it brought when they fell asleep still attached. "Look at me baby" Louis whispered and Harry did. "Nothing can keep me away from you and you're addictive as hell! I'll never get enough of this feeling" he said as he pushed in and buttomed out. "Argh, yes...oh god...Lou...me too! God, me too." Harry mumbled as Louis set a fast and firm pace in and out. Harry wrapped both legs around him and pulled him down to kiss him messily. Louis groaned and pulled out, Harry whimpered at the loss of contact. "Turn around babe" Louis whispered with a raspy voice that showed just how affected he was. Harry quickly did and pushed his ass in the air. "Fuck Yeah!" Louis exclaimed before he dived in and licked around Harry's hole. He stuck his tongue in and starting fucking Harry with it. Trying to catch all the slick running down, and Harry went crazy. He moaned and his entire body tightened up as he came with a loud scream of Louis' name. Louis let him rest a bit while he placed gentle kisses on his ass cheeks and up along his spine to his neck. "Can you handle more for daddy my sweet omega?" He whispered in Harry's ear and bit his earlobe. "Always daddy alpha" Harry managed to get out as they kissed for a while. Louis lined up his erection to Harry's hole and gently pushed back in. Making sure not to hurt the omega and after a plea from Harry to get going he did just that. It was rough. Hard and quick thrusts hitting his prostate every time, and very soon Harry was a mess again. Louis pulled his head back by his hair and Harry reached back and grabbed Louis' hair as well. Louis thrusted a few more times and when he pressed a firm kiss to Harry's mating mark they both came hard.

A couple of weeks later Harry went into labour. Louis was a nervous mess but Jay was by their side and kept him somewhat together. Harry was in the final stages of pushing when Gemma arrived, she had been overseas but flew back immediately when Louis had called her in a frenzy earlier that night. Harry was happy to see her but he only wanted Louis there during the birth, so Jay and Gemma were ushered outside and asked to call Liam and Sarah. Louis pulled it together and soon enough the first pup was born, a beautiful little girl with brown curly hair. "Congratulations dads. She's perfect." The midwife said as Louis cut the cord in a mess of tears and happy smiles. The baby was giving to another doctor as the midwife announced that the second one was already on it's way as well. Louis kissed Harry's forehead and leaned them together. "Thank you Haz. You're doing so great baby!" He said gently and Harry squeezed his hand and smiled as another contraction hit him. A few pushes later and the second one was born. Another perfect little girl with the same wild brown curls. "They're identical twins, born in the same sack" the midwife told them but neither of them really listened as the girl was placed on Harry's bare chest and the other baby was handed to Louis, wrapped in a blanket and a tiny pink hat. Both dads were mesmerized and looked from one baby to another and back as they shared a few moments just the four of them. "They're perfect Haz." Louis said with a shaky voice as he dried away a few tears. "They truly are" Harry responded and reached for Louis free hand. "What should we name them? I think this one might be a Daisy?" "I like that...and this little wonder feels like a Rose?" "I like that too. Daisy and Rose. Beautiful names for our beautiful daughters." "Thank you Haz. You were amazing and this is the greatest gift you could ever give me. I love you so much." Louis said as he kissed Harry's hand and then his lips. Harry smiled through tears eye. "I love you too Lou. And I'll do it again for you, as much as you want." "Careful what you say baby, you know what your pregnant body does to me." "Well, that's one way to keep you I suppose" "I'm not going anywhere. Always yours, always mine, remember?" "Always yours, always mine." Harry agreed and they kissed again before returning the attention to their babies.

Soon there was a knock on the door and Louis stood up and went to open the door, kind of hiding Rose behind the door. Jay, Gemma, Liam and Sarah came rushing in and straight towards Harry laying in bed with Daisy on his chest, now wrapped in a blanket and a hat on top, just like Rose. "Congratulations" they all said as they looked at the baby. "Thank you. We would like you all to meet little miss Daisy" Harry said and paused before looking at Louis "and that is little miss Rose" he gestured as Louis stepped up beside him. "What?" Gemma yelled and Jay bursted out crying as she looked at Louis and the second babygirl. Liam and Sarah started laughing and hugged Harry as Jay went straight to her son and hugged him tightly. Jay took Rose from Louis and Harry handed Daisy over to her aunt. Louis came over and sat beside him as they watched their family and closest friends gushing over their daughters. Jay facetimed Mark, who were too ill to come to the hospital, but they would head over there and make sure he met the girls before it was too late. They all knew that he had been lucky to make it so far, stubborn enough to make sure he met his grandkids before letting go. It was a bittersweet thought, but Louis was beyond grateful that they had forgotten that condom so early on, giving his dad a chance to meet Louis' own family and this was his forever. Harry noticed a silent tear run down Louis' cheek as he watched his mom show of the girls to his dad through the phone. "I know sweety. I'm happy he got to meet them too." Harry said as he pulled Louis onto his lap and Louis gladly curled up against him. Totally and utterly happy they sat there, and Harry felt completely at ease. This was where he was supposed to be. Together with his perfect mate and their perfect daughters. "Always yours, always mine" he whispered to Louis, who smiled up at him and replied. "Always yours, always mine Haz" before kissing him deeply and emotionly. This was their picture perfect ever after.

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