With my hands inside my jacket pockets, I pace toward him.

Seth saw me and grinned, "So, what cha wanna talk about?" His voice is much more annoying when it's full of joy and music.


His smile widened, "Us? Do we have a label now?"

"Seth, can you be serious for once?" I ask. "I don't have time for this."

"Oh, I'm pretty sure a high schooler without a job-"

"I have a job."

"I'm pretty sure you've been laid off."

"I'm on temporary leave."

"No. I'm pretty sure you've been laid off."

It didn't take long to catch up with what Seth is implying, "Mr.Nocella isn't returning, is he?"

"I didn't say that."

"I'm not a dumbass...dumbass."

"You would think, a woman who lived through life would act a bit more...mature?"

"I act according to my environment." Why would I act my age when I'm surrounded by teenagers most days? Acting outside of your typical behavior is nothing but an invitation for attention.

"I'm pretty sure how you're acting is outside of the norm."

"Just tell me what's happening so we can wrap things up."

Seth pushes himself onto the swing, "What's in it for me?"

I hold my fists against my waist, "Now, who's the one acting immature?"

"Just taking your advice and acting accordingly to my environment." I move out of the way, so he can swing higher.

"Teenage boys aren't supposed to swing."

He turns his head towards me and another wicked smile makes its appearance, "Teenage boys aren't supposed to do a lot of things but we still do it anyway."

I flop my body onto the swing.

"Giving up?"


He stopped swinging and spread his legs to fit the swing, "So, what's my reward if I tell you what happened to Mr.Nocella?"

I ponder on what I could give Seth. Nothing really. I don't know his future, and even if I did, there isn't any advantage considering how he is also from the future. I don't know his past, so blackmail is out of the question.


I'm dodging him like a bullet, so I don't know anything about his current life either.

Seth Carillo is a big ole box of mystery.

"Sounds like you got nothing." He chuckles softly, "This is what you get for wrapping yourself up in your own petty problems."

I turned my head towards him, "Petty problems?"

The weather feels a bit warmer today than on other days. Spring break is next week. I want to wrap this whole scenario up before going on vacation. God knows I need a break from everyone.

"Oh, you got nothing so you're trying to change the topic." He laughs, "Are you trying to find leverage?"

Honestly, I didn't think about that. It's more within my nature to lash back when someone makes an unwelcome comment.

Seth is giving me way too much credit.

"What do you want from me?"

Seth pucker his lips and tap his chin, "What do I want from Ava Makee?" He looks up at the sky, squints his eyes, and rubs his chin. "What do I want?"

To My Future Cheating HusbandWhere stories live. Discover now