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It had been days since Crowley had put Jade in that room. She was bound with chains that had been fortified for her by Aziraphale. Crowley would come in and beat her to a pulp before leaving her to hang by the chains.

Belphagor would pop in use his powers to heal her as best he could, and she would order him away. She never wanted him to be completely drained in case she needed him.

She sat, looking at the floor wondering what was taking Lucifer so long to come for her. She looked at the circles burned into the floor from when they'd squared off with Aziraphale before. Lucifer had been there in mere seconds. Here she sat after a week. She couldn't help but wonder if he was out and had left her there to rot.

"Why so glum Jade" Crowley's voice came from the doorway? He sneered at her as he walked in. "No fight left in you. Just sitting there, like a beaten little bitch".

She said nothing, she didn't even look at him. He grabbed her face in his hands and pressed his forehead to hers. "Not so proud now are we" he snarled?

She pulled her head away but continued her silence. She looked at him, emotionless.

"I broke you" he smiled.

"You don't have that power" she murmured.

"Come again" he asked her?

"You think chains and beatings could break me" she asked? "I don't hold you in enough esteem to break me. I would never allow you that power over me".

"Oh" he looked at her with pause "then you've realized".

She looked at him, still not giving him any hint as to what she was thinking. "That he's already gone" Crowley continued, "and he's not coming for you".

"You're lying" she whispered.

"Am I" he asked? "I mean, I know I said it would take time, but really Jade. He's having a child with another woman, where do you fit in that"?

Jade said nothing but struggled to hide her emotions at this point. She didn't believe Crowley, but the seed of doubt was already in her head.

He raised his hand to strike her and paused. "Why bother" he murmured before leaving her, alone.

She sat silently defeated, as a tear fell from her eye landing on the black mark of her own ring of holy fire.

She got up and looked at herself in the mirror. She was filthy and still marred by her previous beatings. She'd all but given up when the door to her cell burst opened, shattering and splintering.

She didn't even bother to look. She simply climbed up on the bed and hid behind the curtain by one of the posts.

"Jade"? It was Lucifer, he'd come for her. He looked around the room violently until he spotted her. "Babe" he asked? He slowly edged towards her, and she hid further, not wanting him to see her like this. "Baby, what did he do to you" he whispered painfully?

"Where were you" she whimpered from behind the curtain?

"He told me he broke you" he said, as desperation painted his face. "I snapped. If he still had any power over me, I burned through it".

"He told me you'd left me" she murmured.

"How could you ever think-" he started towards her.

"Stop" she told him. "I don't want you to see me like this".

He waved his hand, and she was clean and fresh again. Her wounds were still very much intact. When she climbed out, he gasped looking at the cuts and burns Crowley had left behind. He walked over to her and placed his hands on her forehead healing her instantly. He took the chain around her neck and snapped it off with his bare hands.
"How could you ever think I could ever leave you behind"?

Jaded: SPN Fan Fiction Where stories live. Discover now