1: The Meet

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- Hunter's Pov -

People would say my life is strange, that it's not normal. But it's all I've ever known.

I thought it was normal for friends to stab each other in the back. In the castle people do it all the time! But after the day I infiltrated that flyerdirby team, that has changed.

I thought I knew what friendship felt like, but when I was on that team, it felt so different.

So different from all the friendships I thought I had.

So much better.

I actually wish I didn't betray them. Maybe they'd still wanna hang out with me if I didn't try to force them into the coven.

Maybe I'll make a friend one day. Maybe even fall in love.

I've never known how it feels to love someone. But I did hear stories about it.

It's supposed to be the best feeling in the world.

I wonder what that's like.


I never thought I'd sneak out of the castle, but here I was, wandering through the forest.

I needed to clear my mind. It had been like a jungle lately.

I wanted to make friends, but I also didn't wanna dissapoint Belos. I don't know what he would do if he found out, but I get a bad feeling when I think about the possibilitys.

So I just walked through the forest. The sun had already went down, so I didn't think anyone would be there.

I walked, sinked in my thoughts and on the verge of a mental breakdown, when I heard something.

It was something in the bushes.

'It's probably just a squirl.' I told myself. But I was scared. I haven't been in the forest for a long time. And the fact that it's night makes it even more scary. As if some sort of monster can come to attack me at any moment.

When that thought crossed my mind I started panicking.

'Who is there?!' I yelled. You could hear fear in my voice.

I grabbed a stick from a the ground. At least that's something to deffend myself.

'Who's there?!' I yelled again.

I heard something in the bushes again. I spun around and pointed the stick at the bush.

A shadow appeared from behind the bushes. I saw it comming closer to me.

I backed up against a tree. I slid down the tree trunk and closed my eyes, holding the stick for my head.

'Stay back! I- I have a weapon!' I said, shaking in fear. The figure came closer. I had my eyes closed but I could feel it's pesence.

'A stick isn't very affective against monsters. So you're lucky I'm not one.' The figure said.

They're voice sounded.... well it didn't sound like a monster.

I forced myself to look at it.

I saw a girl towering over me. She was wearing a Y/fc (your favorite color) cloak. I could see her hair under the hood. She had Y/hc hair. I never really saw anything like it.

She kneeled down to where I was sitting and took off her hood. She smiled warmly at me.

The thing that caught my eyes, though, was her ears.

They weren't pointy like normal. They were round.

Like humans.....

I just stared at her, not knowing what to say.

Her eyes went to my arm. She took it and looked at a small scratch on my arm.

She looked at it for a few more seconds, while I just sat there awkwardly. Then she looked up at me. 'Come with me, I'll take care of that wound.' She said sweetly.

I pulled my arm away from her. 'Why would you wanna do that? We don't even know each other.' 'I don't like seeing people hurt.'

She looked so kindly at me. Like she actually cared about a little wound that would be away in a few days anyway.

I know it's not true though. No one ever cares.

'Can you please come with me. You can immediately leave when I've taking care of you. I don't want dirt getting in that wound. That hurts.'

Her smile looked so sweet. I knew I shouldn't trust strangers in the forest. But there was something about her that made me believe like she actually cared. Even though I know that wouldn't happen.

But still. I gave Willow a chance and she turned out to be a great person! Maybe I should try making new friends, and not making the same mistakes that costed me my old ones....

'Fine. You can take care of the wound.' I said. 'Oki! Come with me. My hut isn't far from here.'

So we started walking. We didn't say anything to each other. All I could hear were crickets.

Eventually we stopped at a tree. It had a big trunk and many leaves. She turned one of the sticks on the trunk around and a small door opened. 'Come in.' She said and walked inside.

I walked down some stairs and walked into a room. There was a little kitchen, a round table with 3 chairs, a couch that was big enough to be a bed and a hammock.

'You live here?' I asked. 'Yep. It isn't much, but it's home. Come on sit down, I'll take care of that wound.' She said and pointed at the table with 3 chairs.

I went to sit down and looked around me. It looked really pretty. And it felt warm. Not like a sunny type of warm, but a welcoming type of warm. In comparison to this, is the castle really cold.

The girl took out a little med kid and sat beside me. She took my arm and lifted up my sleeves.

She took care of the wound and wrapped bandages around it. After that she took a little bandage with a red bird on it and placed it over the white bandage.

'Why'd you do that?' I asked. 'Because it looks pretty.' She said.

We sat at the table in an awkward silence for a few seconds. She just looked around. 'I should go.' I said, standing up.

I actually didn't wanna go. But I don't think she would like it if I stayed any longer.

'Wait!' She said, standing up and walking up to me.

I turned around. I looked at her waiting for her to say something. She just looked at me for a few seconds.

'W- what are you looking at?' I asked. 'You look tired.'

'I'm fine. I need to go back.... home.' I sighed. The castle never felt like a home. At least not a warm one. Escpecially when I felt how it feels when people actually care. Titan I hate myself for betraying Willow, Guz and everyone I played flyerdirby with! I miss the feeling of when people care! Titan I hate myself!

I felt my face tense and a few angry tears forming in my eyes. 'Hey, are you okay?' 'I'm fine!' I yelled. She walked a step away. 'I'm sorry, okay. I just have a lot on my mind and haven't been able to sleep that well in a while. I'll be fine. I'm sorry for yelling.'

She just looked at me. 'It's fine. I understand. If you want you can take a nap here before going home. It's late and you look very tired. If you want I can wake you up in an hour or 2.' She smiled.

Titan was she this nice to everyone?

'Fine. But you don't have to wake me up. I usually wake up every 2 hours anyway. But can you tell me your name first?' 'Y/n. And you?'

I waited for a bit. Y/n, what a beautiful name. I smiled softly and repsonded. 'Hunter. My name if Hunter.'

'Well it's very nice to meet you Hunter. You can take a nap in my hammock. It's more comfy then you'd think. I'll get a blanket and pillow.' She said.

I smiled to myself.

'She's so kind.' I thought.

The Girl That's Always Kind (Hunter X Fem Reader) Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora