112. End This

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'Uncle Benjen...' Josie questioned as he threw a blade hitting a walker coming up behind her.

'End this Josie.' He told her as he fought off the walkers he nodded to the night king. So Josie climbed the night king stared down at her as she pulled herself up. The blade flew from her hands but he grabbed it, a smirk crossed her face as she lunged at him. Ice, her valyrain steel blade piercing him. He frozen for a moment before he crumbled to nothing in front of her. the rest of the walkers fell and Benjen panted for breath. The walker on the dragon crumbled as well and sandor looked down to the shards in his hands.

'Guys.' He shouted over the sound of dragons wings. 'its gone.'

'She did it.' Jorah remarked. 'she killed the night king.'


When they got to the wall Josie was crushed by sandor's arms.

'You worried about little ole me?" josie mused.

"You killed the night king?" Danny questioned incredulously.

'Team effort.' Josie told her.

"No it was all her.' Benjen confirmed. 'Queen of the north!"

'Queen of the north!' Sandor echoed and Josie couldn't stop smiling. One problem down two more to go and one was staring right at her.

'I'm going home. I don't need your dragon's afterall.' Josie told her. 'thanks for saving my friends.' Josie added.

'that's it?' danny questioned incredulously.

'I am going home. You should too.' Josie told her. 'Sandor?'

'Yep.' He agreed.

'Bye Tyrion, perhaps we will see you again.' Josie told him mysteriously as her, Benjen and Sandor headed off.


Josie sprung off her horse when she saw Bran and Arya.

'AHH!' she squealed with delight as she hugged them. 'you're here, you are safe! oh look at you!" josie coed kissing their heads.

'Jojo!" Bran said happily.

'Look at you, a man, so handsome, just like father.' Josie told him running a hand through his hair.

'almost.' Bran told her and josie waggled her eye brows. 

'OOHHH,' Josie with a smirk. He pulled her down to him. 

"I know and I'm proud of you.' He whispered in her ear.

'We are going to circle back to that.' Josie said before hugging arya again 'You still have it?' she said pointing to her sword, the sword she had given her before everything went to hell.

'Needle' she told Josie

'Have you used it?'

'Once or twice,' she told her.

'Once or twice, okay.' Josie said hugging her siblings again. 'oh this is everything I wanted for so damn long.' She told them. her eyes drifted to willas smiling over at her.

"You found Nymeria. " arya remarked

"Ghost and her found me." Josie corrected.

"Thank you for bringing her back" arya told her.

"I knew we would. Everything is coming up roses!" Josie mused.

'Go on, kiss your man.' Arya told her and Josie wrapped her arms around her, enveloping him in a hug.

'I missed you.'

'everything went alright?" willas questioned kissing her head.

'I killed the night king, now I just need to handle the other usurper queens.' Josie mused.

'that means you want it?' Willas confirmed.

'I don't want them to have it. I want my family to know. I want to see what they have to say.' Josie told him.

'I think that is smart.' Willas told her. 'whatever you decide know I will stand by you.'

'thank you.' She said kissing him again and again his arms pulling her closer. She kissed him again before turning around. "ALRIGHT!" josie declared. "FAMILY MEETING!"

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