"You men have a choice," he said as the Unsullied stood, shields and weapons at the ready, "To fight and die for masters who would never fight and die for you, or go home to your families." He told them. None of them hesitated and threw down their swords and spears, they ran off as quickly as they could.

"Thank you for the armada, our Queen sure does love ships." tyrion told the Masters who stood in disbelief. "Now, last time we spoke we made a pact. You violated that pact, you declared war upon us, though our Queen has a forgiving nature, this cannot be forgiven." Tyrion told the Masters who looked at them in fear. "Our Queen insists that one of you must die as punishment for your crimes." Tyrion went on as the masters stared at the dragon fire. "It always seems a bit abstract, doesn't it? Other people dying." The Masters looked between each other and pushed Yezzan forward.

"Him. He should die." One of the Masters said.

"Yes, him." The other Master agreed.

"He's not one of us. He's an outsider, lowborn. He does not speak for us." The Master said. Tyrion looked to Grey Worm to do the deed. Yezzan fell to his knees as he pleaded for his life. Grey Worm said nothing, but pulled out his dagger and slit both Master's throats standing instead. Tyrion walked up to the shaken man and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Tell your people what happened here. Tell them you lived by the grace of Her Majesty. When they come forward with notions of retribution or ideas of returning the slave cities to their "former glory". Remind them what happened when Daenerys Stormborn and her dragons came to Meereen." Tyrion told him, and patted Yezzan on his shoulder.


Theon Greyjoy and his sister Yara were at Meereen.

'Last time he saw each other was it Winterfell yes?' Tyrion said, 'You were making jokes about my height. I seem to recall everyone who makes a joke about a dwarfs height thinks he's the only person to ever make a joke about the dwarfs height, the height of nobility, a man of your stature, a man to look up to, you are making the same five or six jokes...' tyrion informed him.

'It was a long time ago' Theon said nervously. he was Theon Greyjoy the exiled son, then Theon Greyjoy the starks ward, then he was Theon Greyjoy again murdering children and stringing them up for his own gain, he thought he was on top until he was taken hostage and turned into Reek. He was a scared man that lost all who he was and now he was Theon again, but that fear was still within him. But now he was fighting for a just cause.

'It was' tyrion admitted 'and how have things been going for you since then not? so while I gather. can't imagine it would since you murdered the Stark boys... if things were going well-'

'I didn't murder the Stark boys' theon told him, 'but I did things that were just as bad maybe even worse..' theon admitted.

'And he paid for it' his sister yara said

'It doesn't seem like it...' Tyrion said 'he is still alive... it was complicated for you I'm sure. never quite knowing who you were but then we all live complicated lives don't we?' Tyrion asked bitterly.

'You will give us 100 ships from your iron fleet and men to sell them...' danny interrupted. 'and in return I assume you want me to support your claim to the iron islands?' she looked to theon.

'Not my claim. Hers.' Theon pointed to his sister

'What's wrong with your claim?' danny asked thinking what man would willingly give up his claim.

'I'm not fit to rule' theon admitted

'We can at least agree upon that' Tyrion said.

'Has The iron islands ever had a queen before?' Danny asked

'No more than Westeros' Yara said.

'Our uncle returned home after a long absence' Theon told them 'he murdered our father he would've murdered us if we stayed'

'Lord Tyrion tells me your father was a terrible king.' Danny remarked

'It seems that is some thing we have in common' yara said smirking.

'We do... and both murdered as well...' she looked to Tyrion. 'will her ships be enough?'

'Possibly. Though there are more than 100 ships in the iron fleet' Tyrion told her, glancing back at the Greyjoys.

'There are and my uncle is building them for you' Theon told them.

'So why shouldn't I wait for him?' Danny questioned.

'The iron fleet is not all he's bringing. He also wants to give you his-' Theon began but yara cut him off.

'His Big cock, I believe he called it...' she smirked 'He is offering marriage he won't take one without the other.'

'And I'm assuming your offer does not have the same requirements?' danny questioned.

'No but I'm up for anything.' Yara said. Again that smirk.

'He murdered our father and he would've murdered us' theon repeated. 'he will murder you as soon as he gets what he wants.' The smile slide off Danny's face

'The seven kingdoms?'

'All of them' theon said

'And you don't want the seven kingdoms?' danny questioned.

'We just want back the iron islands,' yara told her.

'And that's all?' danny questioned.

'We would like you to help us murder an uncle or two..' yara said grinning at her brother.

'Reasonable' Danny said

'what if everyone starts demanding their independence?' Tyrion questioned

'She's not demanding she's asking and the others are free to ask as well'

'Our fathers were evil men they left the world worse than they found it. we are not going to do that we are going to leave the world better than we found it. you will support my claim as queen of the 7 kingdoms and respect the seven kingdoms no more reeving raiding or raving'. Danny had finally gotten up from her chair and was now face to face with Yara.

'That's our way of life' yara told her appalled that she would even suggest such a thing.

'No more' danny told her with finality.

'No more' she agreed she stuck her hand out to shake Danny's but she looked back to Tyrion to confirm he gave a single nod and Danny shook her hand a deal has been made.

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