❨✿ 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇✿𝓔𝓁𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓃 ✿❩

Comincia dall'inizio

"Thank you Nicole..." Sally said with a sigh she turns her attention to the Lynx "Tell everyone that the threat has been taken care of." She said, Nicole nodded before the screen turned off.

"Oh my Chaos...SONIC!!" Aleena shouted running over to her son and hugging him, who only weakly hugged her back. He guess that she finally saw how bad he looked or the damaged Metal caused to him, he just smiles, before Manic rubbed his shoulder. "You don't look so good Dude..." he said a little concerned, that's because he didn't feel great either.

Jules walked into the room, with Sonia, he saw that Shadow was having a moment with his kids a smile formed on his muzzle before his attention turned to his son, and he rushed over to see if he was okay. Sonia did that same, Silver was right behind her but he stopped to see Shadow and went to talk to him.

"Oh my baby..." Aleena whimpered holding Sonic's face and looking at the deep wounds on his body or at least what she could see, her ears flatten to her head. "Mom..." Sonic quietly said.

Shadow had put Maria down but was just holding Shadic in his arms the newborn was perfect to him, and now that he can finally hold him and cuddle him. He felt complete to know that both him and Sonic made it. The newborn held onto his finger purring softly, it was light meeting his daughter for the first time. "Daddy..." Maria said looking up at Shadow.

"I'm sorry Maria...but this time I'm not gonna go anywhere." Shadow tells the small hedgehog, who only hugged his leg. Shadow is a lot taller than Sonic. "Glad to see your Back to us Shads..." Silver responded looking at the ebony hedgehog. "I wouldn't have it any other way...but what happened when I was gone?" He asked referring to Sonic. Silver only shakes his head folding his arms. "None of told him the truth about you, until yesterday when Tails couldn't keep it in, I don't blame him seeing how hurt Sonic looked when he would asked us if we were keeping something from him. Broke all of our hearts, to the point that Tails couldn't take it anymore." The white hedgehog explained with small sigh.

"I get why you didn't...to keep him from stressing." Shadow responded not minding Shadic sucking on his finger, Silver only nodded before looking at his wife and Sonic, a smile formed on his muzzle. "I guess you two just had that special bond...that none of us understand." He added.

Shadow was about to say something before there was a thud, and his attention was turned towards Sonic, who just collapsed to the floor. "SONIC!" Everyone except for Shadic and Maria called out to the blue hedgehog. Shadow was first to jump into action he gives Shadic to Silver, who flinched when the newborn burst into sobs. The white hedgehog cradles the newborn rocking him softly to get him to calm down, Maria's lip quiver she didn't know what was wrong with her Mother, and it was scaring her. Shadow picks up Sonic bridal style, "Meet me in the medical center...I have a feeling he just fainted..." Shadow said everyone nodded before he just bolted off leaving a red trail behind him.

When Sonic came to his eyes fluttered open he almost screamed when he saw that everyone was crowding around him well almost everyone, he looked over to see a pouch of blood was being pumped into his blood stream, and an IV bag, so he did lose a lot of blood, from him just cutting himself he looked at his arms they were sawn shut with stitches and his jacket was hanging on the chair next to his hospital bed. He felt tears forming in the corner on his eyes, he felt ashame of himself, he wasn't think straight when he started, he only had Shadow on his mind and he was doing his best with trying to stay strong for his kids and family, but now.

"Sonic...Baby..." Aleena cried out, Sonic shifted his gaze over to his Mom who had tears in her eyes like the azure hedgehog. Everyone did this wasn't just his friends they were family to him all of them were family to him, and he let them down, not once but twice.

The Last Mobians Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora