Chapter 19

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Holy fucking shit
i love you guys so much i'm sorry for being a shitty updater i've been so busy lately but thank you so much for all the love 3k!!! also
ok anyways love u happy reading

louis pov u know the drill

his breath on my neck, his hand on my waist. his green eyes stare back at me as we both register what just happened. his eyes quickly widen and he drags a quick hand through his hair.

god imagine what his hands woul-
louis. not the time.
right right sorry

his eyes dart away from me and glue themselves to the floor as he quickly rushes out, still not looking up.

here i am, still pressed up against the lockers panting trying to catch my breath.

what. the. fuck.

i sigh and bang my head against the lockers
"fuck" i sink down to the floor and rest my head against the lockers.

after 5 minutes of sitting in my self pity i finally get the strength to stand up. i head outside to my car and get in. quickly starting the engine, i just desperately wanting to get back to my house. but of course, the car decides it doesn't want to start. just my fucking luck.

i lay my head on the streaming wheel and sigh in frustration. i through my keys to the side and get up to check out what the problem is.
i open up to hood only to be met with a cloud of smoke.

"fuck" i sigh

i lean against the bumper and get my phone out to call Niall, or frankly anyone at this point. but just my luck niall doesn't answer. fucker

"need some help?" i quickly turn around hoping to be met with the sight of Harry. but again my day just keeps getting better and better. so i'm met with the sight of Nick.


"fuck off nick, im not in the mood" i roll my eyes and turn around to tend to the piece of junk that is my car.

"tomlinson, i won't be a dick i swear" nick holds his hands up in defense and laughs i sigh and shake my head.

"fine. take a look" nick walks over to the hood and sticks his head down closer to get a better view.

"dude this thing needs to go to the shop, it's fucked up. Nick then pulls out what looks to be a Mcdonald's bag that was stuck deep in the engine.

"oh yeah i put that in there to help with the weird noise it was making" nicks jaw drops open and he shakes his head

"louis. that is the dumbest thing i've ever heard. i'd offer u a ride but i'm walking home. sorry mate" nick actually looks sorry, a look i've never seen before

"nick, why are you being so nice to me?" i've known the bastard for 10 years and he's never even apologized for his tournament, let alone spare me actual kindness.

"because of coach saw you with one little bruise i would get kicked off the team. so figured i'd just wait till the end of the season to beat your ass" nick smiles and closes the hood. i roll my eyes unable to tell if he's joking or not.

"whatever grimshit. thanks for trying. see you around" nick laughs and walks off. yay i get to walk for 30 minutes. how exiting. about 50 feet away from the school i hear a car pull up next to me.

"louis get in the car"

hope you liked it!!! sorry for the shitty quality  and updates. your guys comments make my day love y'all

Number 28Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora