Chapter 18

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hi lovelies! sorry for the late update, hope you all are doing well!! xx

Louis Pov i think

I run onto the pitch with a few guys trailing behind me. I quickly get on the sideline ready for ha- i mean Coach Styles to instruct us what to do. Soon enough, i notice he isn't actually there.

"Ni, where's coach?" niall just shrugs and i roll my eyes, typical niall. Soon enough liam, niall, and i are all engrossed in a conversation about the upcoming match.

"i just hope this game goes well, not only is it going to be the first of the season, but against those fucking cheshire rich dickwads" niall 's face is practically red with rage at the thought of them.

"I swear to god if we lose to them im gonna fucking-"

"Tomlinson! watch your language boy" i hear a loud deep voice boom

oh shit

I turn around to be met with the sight of Harry, gorgeous fucking harry. My breath gets caught in my throat as i take in all of him. He's dressed up in tight, tight, black pants with a black button up, with the top two buttons undone. I look him up and down and i can tell he's doing the same. He walks closer toward me a lowers his voice.

"Stay after practice, and quit running that dirty little mouth of yours or i'll shut it up for you" he leans away and steps back to address the whole team. i shakily breath out try to get his voice out of my head.

"alright lads, 4 days till game day. you better be ready, the cheshire boys are good. but nothing we can't handle. let's get to work" a few boys cheer and Harry just laughs.

2 hours of brutal practice later, Harry dismisses us. i attempt to walk toward the locker room, but of course he calls me back.

"Tomlinson, where do you think your going?"

I stop in my tracks and turn around. only to be meant with his normally bright green eyes a dark forest green.

"We need to talk" he says and i walk slowly toward him.

"What's there to talk about coach?" i do my best to act stupid.

"You know what Louis" the way he says my name sends shivers down my back. I don't say anything as a sign to continue.

"louis, why the actual fuck do you work at a strip club?"

"i told you, good money and i'm pretty good at it. but that you already know" i look him dead in the eyes with a smirk. his eyes darken and eyebrows lower.

"follow me" he heads toward the locker rooms and im quick to follow. he calls out to see if anyone is left in there, but it's silent.

he immediately traps me against the lockers with both hands by my sides. he leans in closely and i can feel his hot breath against my skin.

"do you know what you in those shorts are doing to me?" he whispers seductively in my ear

"i forgot mine so-o i borrowed li-liam's"

fuck louis get your act together, you sound like a scared puppy

"but why don't you tell me what my ass is doing to you?" I speak louder with more confidence and a hint of sass.

"remember what i said princess, quit running that pretty little mouth of yours. or i'll shut it for you"


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