Chapter 6

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Ello lovelies, i'm sorry for the long wait. this will probably suck but still. Sorry

Louis POV

"Tomlinson! Tomlinson! Louis!" i heard someone whisper softly at me.

"5 more minutes mom" i groaned and rolled over, to just land on my ass.

"Tomlinson i am NOT your mother, get your sorry ass up and out of the class room!" the deep voice yelled
My eyes widen and i immediately jump out of my seat, hurrying to leave.

"I'm so sorry coach, i'm so sorry oh my god"
i'm flustered and my speech is quick as i race out of the classroom.

I soon find myself running through the hallways just to find those familiar metal doors. I push through the doors and sprint as far as i can away from here.

what the hell just happened?

I stop once i see a gas station and i head over to to curb and sit down. I pull out my phone to text Lottie that I'll be about an hour late for dinner. I sigh and put my head down questioning what the absolute hell just happened.

why did i run?

it's as if my mind just went on autopilot. I wasn't thinking, i just wanted to get away. My thoughts were broken when i heard my phone ring. I sigh as i click accept and put the phone to my ear.


"what the hell was that tomlinson!"

well shit

"coach? how did you get my number?"

"not important, why the hell did you run like that? you missed practice!"

"i'm sorry i just needed to get out of there for a bit"

"Hurry up and get back, me and you are going to practice. NOW TOMLINSON"

i hang up and hurry back.
Fuck, i don't even have my shit. sighing, i continue to run to the pitch.

i arrive and see coach standing there looking absolutely furious.
"tomlinson, 6 laps now."

"sir, i'm in jeans and don't have proper cleats."
he steps towards me, he gets so close that i can hear the sounds of his breath, i can feel his body heat radiating next to me.
"did. i. stutter?" he asks me slow and demanding. "whatever you say" i scoff and start to run shaking my head, my body practically limp from exhaustion.

i'm on my 3rd lap when i start to feel a little bit dizzy, i shake it off and continue to run. Out of nowhere my body goes limp and my vision goes dark. But, not before hearing a "oh shit" from my coach.

This is why i didn't want to run.

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