Chapter 4

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Hi, i know this story is like super bad but it's still fun to write. So yeah don't forget to vote and Comment.
xx- A
"Be- because I-I-I'm gay"

Shit shit shit! He's probably gonna hate me, oh god oh god oh god oh god

"I'm sorry what?"

SHIT oh god oh god. i'm gonna get cut. Goodbye cruel world, everything is absolute shit. I'm done i'm done i'm done
everything's done

"nothing" i mumble and rush to my bag, fiddling with my bracelets when I feel a large hand collide with my back.

"Repeat to me what you said" He urged in a demanding tone, but there was a slight bit of weakness in his voice.

" I said goodnight Coach" I replied hurriedly and run out of the weight room.

I'm running as fast as I can, weaving through hallways and classrooms only to be met with a shitty sigh.


" ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME" I scream in agony as I step through those doors. I quickly see Styles heading out to his car so i make a ran for it.

I run all the way home in pouring rain with no sign of styles behind me.

Thank fuck

I quickly head inside and get my bag ready to leave for work.

From: Irish Princess 👑
Me & Lima r goin Clubbing. U n?

To: Irish Princess 👑
Sorry m8, I can't tonight. Next friday?

From: Irish Princess 👑
Fine. i hate you sometimes. What are you gonna be doing on a friday night all by yourself?

i sighed and turned off my phone while i got
ready for work.
yeah, they don't know anything. Just that my mom is dead. Nothing else, and I plan to keep it that way.

I arrived at work 30 minutes before I had to start. My coworkers were also in getting ready, seeing as it was almost 9.

"Hey Lou" I hear my good friend and favorite coworker, Taylor, say.

"Hey Tay" i stuff my bag in the tiny locker and continue getting ready

"How was school? Hopefully not too tiring, you atta put on a good show tonight." You could here the humor in her voice

" I put on a good show every night, thank you very much." I'm sassy what can I say.

"whatever makes you happy" I playfully slapped her on the shoulder and finished getting ready.

"Whoever makes the least tips out of the 2 of us tonight has to pay house fee for the next night, you in?" Taylor asked with a mischievous glint in her eye.

"Your on, what else does this one hell of a stripper got to lose."

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