Chapter 13

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HI LOVLIES I SUCK I KNOW IM SORRY BUT HERES THE NEXT CHAPTER! also i just read over my first chapters and god those were rough im very sorry abt my writing skills. thank you to everyone who has read voted and commented i love you all so much!

Louis POV/ 3rd person pov idfk
The next day
Fucking hell, why can't anyone in this household get up on time?
"Louis i've been up longer than you"
I turn around to see Daisy standing there fully dressed and ready for school.
"Fucking hell Daisy don't scare me like that you shit"

I turn back around and continue to pack everyone's lunches. Yesterday was just unbelievable, i don't know if i can even face him today.

he took his hands and placed them on both sides of my face gripping it tightly but not too tight.

"please" he whispered and pulled me so close to the point where i can feel his breath on my lips.

Out of nowhere, the sudden chime of a ringtone sparks his attention and effectively kills the mood.

"i uhm- i need to check that. And i think i should go, please be at school tomorrow. I'll expect to see you in health"

Without another glance he grabs his stuff and leaves.
Holy. fucking. shit.

Present day

My grandparents situate the girls as i get in my car and head to school. I don't think i can express how scared i am to see Harry. Can i call him Harry? Styles is cute, but getting kind of old.

not the fucking point louis

Anygays, i eventually arrive at school. And with time to spare, that's a first. I figure i might as well take a minute and just relax before i enter hell. I turn up the radio to 'Dandelions' By Ruth B. Normally, pop music isn't my cup of tea. But, i got to give it to her, this song is absolutely amazing. I crank the volume up all the way and just watch as my fellow classmates enter the school.

Unfortunately, the song must come to an end, and that means school awaits me. Yay.

I exit my car, school bag in hand. the dark clouds begin to produce a drizzle. just my luck. The rain soon begins to soak my white Metallica shirt and black ripped jeans.

Finally, i enter the dark corridors and make my way toward the health classroom. Luckily, the school bell is yet to ring. I enter the classroom and head toward the back, no one sparing me a single glance. I notice Harry isn't here yet, but i don't give it another thought and put my head down.

"Yes Gems i'll see you at 9 at the club, yes Im very exited to meet her, ok love you too, bye bye"

My head shoots up at the sudden deep voice. I smile internally that he's here, but i also feel like crapping my pants.

"Alright class, today i want you all to right just a short paragraph or two about something you would like to learn about this year. Understood?"

the whole class mumbles a yes in unison. he just gives a satisfied look and gets out his computer. I grab my notebook and begin to write how we should learn about gay sex education not just the straight shit. Will he teach this? no. Why? because our class is filled with homophobes.

"Alright class, you all can leave now just put your papers on my desk."

I pack up all of my shit and walk towards his desk to put my paper on his desk. Harry doesn't even look up from his phone to acknowledge me so i just continue to leave.


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