Chapter 18. Donna

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Donna's POV 

This morning I dropped Sara off at Katrina's who was just down street. Im grateful that Ace, without realizing, bought a house in the same street as mine and Kats house so when things get rough or dangerous for Sara I can tell her to walk to her. 

I dropped Sara off because Xander made a comment about a lightly shown bruise on my face. And Ace was extremely pissed once we came home. But i was being dumb and made a snarky comment saying if hadn't hit me there twice he wouldn't have noticed. Which pissed him of  more and everything happend quickly after that. 

He reached for Sara and i grabbed the lamp and slammed it on his head, knocking him out cold. I grabbed Sara's hand and dropped her off at Kats with the excuse that i had a sudden race to attend to. When i reached home again, a pissed off Ace was sitting on a chair in front of the door. 

Being pissed off or annoyed are his only personality traits. Like he needs a character development. 

But what got my full attention was the knife in his hands. "What are you doing with that?" I asked fear laced in my voice. Not because of him but for Sara I don't want her to grow up with out a mom. 

"No. I asked the question." He stated coldly and added. "Who the fuck do you think you are to hit me?" "Who do you think you are to hit me or try to hit my daughter?" I fiercely argued back. 

I am done being pushed around by this imbecile excuse of a man.

"Wrong move darling." He  angrily spoke before throwing the knife. I quickly dogged it, grabbed it and threw it back at him. Missing his head by a inch if he hadn't dodged it would be in his head. 

"You are making me angrier by the seconds. I suggest you stop." "I won't allow you to push me around ant longer. I am done with your bullshit." I spoke trough gritted teeth. 

After that we fought for a few hours. We were shouting insults at each other both not backing down. 

⚠️ Violent scene ahead⚠️ 

We both stopped when he had me pinned against the wall and the door was kicked open. "You told them, didn't you?" He whispered against my ear.  My fathers voice boomed through the house, shouting for Ace his foot steps kept coming closer. 

Ace drove the knife through my stomach before dropping me and running away. 

My dad walked into the kitchen and spotted me immediately, running towards me he picked me up. "The fuck you staring at, someone follow him! And someone else call 911!" Xavier called 911 and the rest went and followed his route which i pointed out. 

I was badly bruised and bleeding out, i could barely keep my eyes open. Dad was shaking me every time my eyes stayed closed for to long. The last i could remember was sirens arriving and people shouting before everything went black. 

An cold and empty black space which i felt myself fall into. I looked around and suddenly the blackness disappeared into an busy operating room. I watched the doctors stitch the damaged organs closed before the skin but when he finished closing my organs my heart went flat. 

Everyone was busy trying to reanimated me, i couldn't take it anymore so i decided to look around the hospital. Outside the hospital room i saw my family sitting some only sobbing some just full on crying. It broke my heart and made me realize I couldn't give up. Just as i was going back to my body, an alluring white light was calling my name. 

I took a few steps towards it only to realize if i kept going i would hurt them more. So i walked back to the operating room. 

"Stop Donna! It is your time! Your life is supposed to end today!" The light called out. 

"No! I refuse to die at the hands of him! If i die it'll be at my own hands!" I shouted back. I quickly ran into the room and reconnected with my body. Only to be met by darkness again but this time it was comforting. 

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