Chapter 4. Xander

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Xander's POV

~earlier that day~

"I am sooo hungry, and bored!!" River bitches like usual, "Why don't we go to Amelia?!" I think about it for moment, i mean it would shut River up and then we would get free food so why not.

I grabbed my keys, "What are you waiting for? Get in the car."
They looked at me suprised but got up anyway, "SHOTGUN!!" River yelled while running to the car, "No i wanna sit in front!" Xavier argued back. All the way to the car those to idiots fought, i got in the drivers seat and started the car while waiting for them.

Eventually Xavier won so, River was complaining the entire ride. So annoying. He shuted up when we finally arrived, longest 10 minutes ever. When we went in Amelia was nowhere the be found, only a girl behind the counter that looks pretty familiar.

Where do i know her from?

"2 Vanilla lates and 1 cappuccino" I said to her watching her write it down, "And a chocolate chip cookie!!" River says excitedly. She chuckels while writing down, "Can i have a cookie to mommy?" A little girl asks, to which the girl behind the counter responds. Why does she have a child? She looks our age and the kid around Matteo's age which scares me, she must've been young. But i guess i gotta ask Amelia when i see her.

The girl walks to the back and then when she returned she made our drinks and grabbed a cookie, we picked up our order went to sit at one of the booths. "I recognised her from somewhere" I told the others, "I thought i was the only one, maybe school?" Xavier suggested.

"Pancakes with blueberries!" I hear a familiar voice say, "Here!" The little girl says. "Ah Here you go, Sarah" Amelia says, so i guess the girls name is Sarah, "Thank you!!". "Oh god you have such a cute daughter, Donna!" Donna, its so familiar where do i know her from? I must find out, and fast.

"Hey River, oh and you twins! You two were hidden." We greeted her and we all sat down together. "Hey mami who is that girl behind the counter?" I asked her out of the blue, she looked at the girl and turned back to us. "Thats Donna Jackson, 16 years. She lives with her bestfriend, Katrina Romez, and adopted daughter, Sarah Jackson. They moved here last year and she started working here 8 months ago. Katrina works as a medical student, while Donna works here as a waitress and watches Sarah at the same time, because she can't afford and doesn't want a babysitter and doesn't have any living relatives here. Sarah is also in Matteo's class they're friends, its adorable!!" She explains while we just listen carefully.

"Hello baby bro's!!" I heard Adriano's annoying voice, like why are they all so annoying. We all had small talk for a while, till Donna came to take our orders, or well mostly Adriano's and Rivers. "D-donna... is that you?" Adriano suddenly says with tears brinking in his eyes, emotional bitch. "My name is Donna yes but do i know you?" She asked looking very confused, i mean i would be too when some random guy nearly cries while looking at me saying my name when i don't know them. "May i ask if you know someone named, Stefani Smirnoff? Sorry if this is weird." Adriano asks, but why is that traitor impor- wait a second, Donna as in our missing sister Donna!? "I do know her, but why is that important?" She asks becoming defensive after hearing the name, i wonder why? "Im sorry but there are costumers so i have to go." With that she leaves to greet the person that is talking to Sarah at the counter. The other girl looks at us with a panicked expression, okay wtf is going on here?!

I guess i have to figure this out, why not take her while we run some bloodtest on her. Her kid and bestfriend can come too, to keep her company i guess. I will find out no matter what it takes. I just wanna know if she is our sweet principessa (princess) and take her home safely, back in my arms and sight.

Your coming with me, whether you like it or not.

Sorry for this late update!! :(
But i wanna let you guys know i will try and post to chapters a day on workdays.
I hope you have a great further day/night!!

~♡Author ♡~

~♡ The trained assasin ♡~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt