Chapter 13. Donna

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Donna's POV 

"Hello Dreykov.." I mischievously answer his hello. To which the other line fell silent for a solid minute.

"Donna how are you doing? Ready to come back?" "Indeed i am" I answered before adding "so would you be so kindly to pick me up. Im right beneath your flying shit hole." 

"Well because you asked so nicely, it will be there in a minute or two." Thats all he said before disconnecting the line. So i just waited there patiently for a few minutes until a ship landed near me on the field. The doors opened and at least 20 widows and guards ran out and sedated me. After that everything felt heavy but i had to try my best to stay awake so that they couldn't brainwash me. 

So for as long as i could i kept my eyes closed but my conscience awake. I did notice that they sprayed that red shit on me put i held in my breath so it couldn't get in my system. It worked decently but I couldn't keep my consciousness any longer so i just let it slip. 

Eventually i woke up in my cell from when my lovely childhood. Being in here brings back memories i rather keep buried but also some im proud of. Like when i met Katrina in this particular cell. Getting up from my bed i walk around taking in everything noticing nothing  really changed. I go over to Katrinas bed remembering when i first met her. 


Right now i had nothing to do so i just laid in bed staring at the ceiling. I did wonder why everyone else got a roommate but i still didn't. 

Suddenly the door opened causing my head to snap towards the door. A guard stood there and moments later a girl was thrown in. 

Quite rude if  you ask me. Men nowadays have no respect for any type of women. Probably not even their mothers. It doesn't matter if im only 9 years but when i grow up i will be stronger and better than any man, thats a promise i will fulfill. 

The girl laid still in the ground not moving, all that was heard were silent sobs. I wanted to feel bad but he would never allow such weakness. The guard already closed the door and walked away leaving us alone so i decided to walk over to her. 

"If you wanna survive this place, you should not show any emotion. They'll consider it weakness and if you show weakness to much they'll dispose of you, by that i mean kill you." I reached my hand out for her to grab, she looked up at me with tears running down her eyes. "I know your loved ones or trusted people just betrayed you. And your definitely not the only one. Just forgets those imbecile creatures  and focus on surviving. Since I've been here for as long as i can remember i will help you through the rules. They don't explain those, they just expect you to know everything." 

After that i told her all the rules and everything else that she needed to know. While in the middle of our conversation an ear deafening alarm started going of startling Katrina. She told me her name and age during our convo, apparently she's also 9. When hearing the alarm I walked over to the bathroom and told her to follow. After brushing our teeth i quickly walked towards my bed and laid in it, closing my eyes. Katrina just followed everything i did. 

From that day on she did everything i told and did and we became friends but undercover because he wasn't allowed to find out. Because if he did we were in big trouble.

-flashback ends- 

Right know guards noticed my awake state so they opened the door and walked in. After handcuffing me i was aloud to leave im assuming towards Dreykov. 

During our walk i walked past the room i met Sara.


I came back from a meeting with him when hearing cries from a room walked by. It sounded like baby cries. What the fuck was a fucking BABY doing HERE!? 

I quietly opened the door and peaked inside. Only to be met with a petit girl not older than a few months. Her big eyes spotting me instantly and her cries stopping just before she rose her small arms into the air and what happend next really surprised me. 

"Mama!" The girl said while attempting to crawl towards me. My first instinct was to pick her up so i did. Just i did that i heard an ahem behind, i quickly turned around to be met with Miss Stephanies furious glare.

"Good evening Miss Stephanie, i just found this child crying." I immediately reported my actions as that was what we were learned. "Well that's supposed to be my child but i do not want the brat. So you decided to skip your track and open the door the door and pick her up, you now have to take care of her." She stated so viciously. 

How in the fucks world does she want me to do that?! Im only 12, im no where near ready to take care of a child!? 

"Mamama!" The child in my arms chanted catching my attention. Stephanie walked away already so now i was alone with her. "Hello angel, you still need a name!" I spoke in realization. "How about Sara?" She started giggling and clapping. "Well that's clear, hello Sara!" I said laughing quietly. 

-Flashback ends-

Now because if that day i have a beautiful daughter that i promised to save with all my might. As long as she is save everything is fine. But right now she isn't. And thats why we are back here.

The guards halted in front of two giant oak doors, knocking a specific ritme. "Come in!" Was al that was needed to be said for them to open the doors and let us in. I rudely got thrown in an chair. 

Men still have no respect for us women. How disappointing that nothing changed after 7 years. "Ah hello Donna! Now what are you planning? Or is that bitch of an daughter and friend of yours dead?" He said while laughing psychopathicly at me. 

~♡ The trained assasin ♡~Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ