Chapter 7. Donna

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Donna's POV

[This part is from the day of the talk in the previous chapter]

~In the morning~

Ugh!!  My fucking alarm clock went, now I have to wake up but I don't want to. Why do mornings even exist? Like who in their right mind would come up with that?

I decided I should take a shower and get dressed because I have to work. Which I'd rather not do right now considering that incident from yesterday. Like damn bro mind your business,  but fine. Anyway I picked my outfit for today, showered and decided I wasn't gonna wear make-up today. To much work.

《The outfit》

《The outfit》

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I finally went downstairs to eat breakfast, luckily kat already made food

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I finally went downstairs to eat breakfast, luckily kat already made food. She made pancakes who smell delicious and look delicious to.

After breakfast I decided to get Sarah dressed to bring her to work. We had to go with the bus tho since Kat took the car to work. She left immediately left after I came downstairs.

《Sarah's outfit》

《Sarahs hairstyle》

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《Sarahs hairstyle》

When we arrived I placed Sarah at the counter like usely and started taking orders

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When we arrived I placed Sarah at the counter like usely and started taking orders. Untill those assholes from yesterday walked in. I was about to grab Sarah and get tf out of here but one of them stopped me.

"Please Donna I know yesterday may have been weird but we need to talk."

I'm not risking it. He may be a spy for that bitch and take me back there. More importantly Sarah, she deserves a better future.

"If your here to take me back to Stefani I'll skip thanks." Like who does this guy think he is, I'm not going back there and neither are Sarah or Kat.

"Why would I do that? Look just sit down with us and we'll explain everything. Please?" I dont trust them at all but I guess I can let them explain so they will leave me alone.

"Fine but any funny business and I'll leave this country." But extreme I know but I'll do whatever it takes to keep us protected. "Deal." Great now I need to have an unnecessary conversation.

We walked to a table Matteo and Sarah went to play tag with Amelia. While I'm sitting at a table with 8 intimidating men without my emotional support. Please send help. Okay toughen up you can do this, Donna! Okay great I pulled yourself together.

"So let me introduce us first, uh this is my dad Vincenzo and my brothers ,from oldest to youngest, Alejandro, Elijah, me Adriano then you have the twins Xander and Xavier you already met them along with River. And over there playing tag with Amelia is Matteo the youngest one." Adriano said atleast that's who he said he was.

"Well I'm Donna as you might know, uh the girl with Amelia and Matteo is my daughter Sarah. More you dont need to now." Their names sound familiar tho.... but from what again? Oh yeah that file I hacked into last night that had my name in it to. Ahhhh what was their last name again? Manio? No uuh, Armoni? Uhh oh right! Armani! That was it! "Look little girl, let me be honest we are not here to waste your time but we just wanna know if-" "If I'm your missing daughter? You see I dont have parents nor siblings as far as my memories go back. But I hacked into the info file of your family and saw my name there. So let's save everyone some trouble, I'll do a bloodtest for you to get your answers." I interrupted Vincenzo I think his name was but meh.

"Thank you for your cooperation." He tossed a business card across the table, "I will call you for an appointment." If your calling me why are you giving me your business card? And where the fuck did you get my number?! Oh right hes an ex-mafia boss ofcourse he can find it I a few seconds.

"I will see this number pop up on my screen at some point, I will wait on that. Have a great day I have to go back to work tho." With that i stood up after watching him nod tho.

"How did she hack in that file?! I created my best firewall for that! No ones supposed to be able to hack into that!" I heard River say when I walked back to the counter. Not even that could stop me darling I was trained for this.

"Apperently not your best then!" I heard I think Xavier say.

~later in the day~

"Heyy, how was work today?" Kat asked when we came home while putting food on the table. "Eventfull. I agreed to do a bloodtest with some random strangers." I say while sitting down. "You did what!?" "I plawed tag with Maweo!!" Sarah excitedly said. "Really that sounds like a lot of fun." Kat and Sarah continued having small talk about their days. I'm glad their save, I love them both with my whole heart.


Hey lovelies,
Thank you for all of your support and for reading this book. I know it aren't a lot of readers but it makes me glad that atleast some people like this. Feel free to comment, I'd love to read your comments on this.
I hope your having a great day/night!


~♡ The trained assasin ♡~Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant