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So this chapter will be in the POV of Hoseok. This chapter not includes any texting. Only some thoughts if Hoseok.

Hoseok POV

I was sitting on my bed since the doctor told me to have bed rest for some days. I just came from my checkup. The school authorities helped me to go and come back. I opened my phone and saw there are so many messages in our group Called STRANGERS. I opened the chats and started reading it.


Huh that means my roommates are V and Kookie. All of them are from this campus only and all of them knows me. Now what shall I do. Shall I tell them my real name. Or not. I guess not. What if they also use me for my popularity which I hate the most. But they don't seem to be like that. But I can't trust them fully also. And the main thing is that Min Yoongi, the guy I hate the most in the whole campus is also in our group. I just can't trust them.
Hmm I will not tell my real identity. Whenever I will trust them fully I will tell them.


Author POV

So now I wanna tell you guys why Yoongi and Hoseok Hate each other. So pay attention everyone.

Yoongi's had a bestfriend named Cha Eunwoo. They both were friends since high school. They came in this university together. They were very close to each other that no one can break their bond. One day they were sitting in the garden behind university suddenly Yoongi that Eunwoo that we should make new friends. Eunwoo denied cause he don't like making friends. That's what he said to Yoongi. Yoongi wanted to make friends with Hoseok cause he had seen him alone may times and he felt bad for him.

After a few days he saw Eunwoo talking with Hoseok about something. Yoongi knew eavesdropping is a bad habit so he was going to pass but he wanted to know what his best friend was talking so he stopped and listened to what they were talking about.

On the other hand Hoseok recently made a new friend. Who was none other than Eunwoo. Hoseok thought that he don't gad any friends and he felt bad about him. So he became friends with him. They would spend less time with each other but they always talks to each other on text, calls, etc. One day there were sitting and talking to each other when Eunwoo said to Hoseok that You know you are my best friend. I didn't had any friends before you. Thank you so much for being with me. Yoongi heard this and he felt so bad that his bestfriend didn't told Hoseok about him. He couldn't listen more so he went away from there. Eunwoo knew that Yoongi was listening. So when he went he said to Hoseok.

Hoseok do you know I heard that there's a boy in our university. He hates everyone. One day I heard him talking bad about you. His name is Min Yoongi. He also told me to break Friendship with you. 

Hoseok was the type of person who is sensitive. And when Eunwoo told him he was so mad. He thinks Eunwoo as his best friends. That time he started hating Yoongi. He believed Eunwoo cause he thinks him as best friends. He didn't make any friends cause everyone uses him for his popularity. That is also the reason he have trust issues.

Yoongi alredy hated Hoseok before this since Eunwoo told the same lies to Yoongi about him. And Yoongi trusting his best friend believed them.

So you can say that Eunwoo was the reason the both of them hate each other. They didn't even talked to each other to clear the misunderstanding.

After a year Eunwoo shifted to America. So he is not in this university now.

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Words Count-  700

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