"I wouldn't take her word for it," Strange told America.

America just nodded sadly, it was all over her face; she is worried for Cecellia. A part of Cecellia wished she could be whole for America but as Strange had said; she is too far into the spell right now.

As they left, Strange did double checks for signs of the spell, when he came to Wanda he saw how many spell books she had surrounding her and the one she was reading.

"You've been busy," Strange comments.

Wanda nods, "someone has to undo what Harkness did," she explains, "I know... I'm not supposed to leave the tower but-"

"Your our best chance to undo it," Strange just says, "I understand."

Wanda just looks at him, "your really... Think I'm the best chance?"

"It's witchcraft, not sorcery," he points out, "you really are what we have left."

"Let's hope I don't go mad too then, huh?" She asks with a bit of a grin.

Wanda goes back to reading whilst Strange goes back to checking the other heroes for signs. He ends up meeting some new people; like the Black Panther King of Wakanda; T'Challa and his General Okoye who just arrived.

"Welcome to New York, your Highness," Strange greeted.

T'Challa nodded, "where is Stark? I was expecting him to greet us."

"He's one of the ones infected by the spell," Strange told him.

"And you truly think that this spell could reach Wakanda?" Okoye asks.

Strange just proceeds to say, "she was using a spellbook called the Darkhold so yes, I do believe it could."

"What are the symptoms?" T'Challa asked.

"CAAAAAAP?" Tony tried to get his teammate's attention who was still fighting it.

"Don't, Stark, just don't," Steve told him.

Tony and Cecellia smirked at eachother.

Then there was Nat who was trying to meditate but was finding it a little hard to do.

"You two should just give in," Cecellia told them with an amused dark smile, "I know this stage you two are in is a painful one but once you just let the darkness take you in..."

"It feels so good," Tony adds.

Peter nods in agreement.

Nat just groaned as Steve shook his head putting his head in his hands, "don't listen to them, okay?" Steve tried to tell Natasha.

Natasha nods, "okay..." She stumbles catching herself on the nearby bed.

"If you keep fighting..." Cecellia shrugs, "well," she smiles darkly, "we don't even know what will happen."

Natasha shook her head, "no, you're just trying to cause me to lose control, and I'm not gonna hold it against you because... You aren't yourself right now."

"Oh am I not?" Cecellia asked with a smirk.

Peter then thought of something, "wait, Mr. Stark!" Peter dropped onto his feet getting everyone's attention, "you told me she and the Scarlet Witch are dating."

"Tony!" Cecellia accused.

Tony put up his hands, "oops?"

"Wait, your dating Wanda?" Steve asked.


"You guys went on dates, I'd call that dating, bestie-"

Cecellia cut Tony off, "it was one date! But yes, we see eachother as partners, girlfriends," she smiles at the idea of it, she then blinked, which was surprisingly less dark sounding... "Okay... Where did the evil filter go?"

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