My wife

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"What the hell is this? Why we still didn't get our land yet" Evan shout at his assistant Alex." Director, Mr. Anderson doesn't agree to give us the land" Assistant Alex said. Evan looked at his and said," Why? We already signed the agreement." "Director, Our rivals Patterson's offering him 2× of money to us. So now he is wavering." I don't care I want this land at any cost. Just war him for legal action." Evan said to his assistant Alex who leave the office after nodding. Evan sits on his chair and put his head on the chair's headstand and closes his eyes. Today is the worst day for him firstly the land issue and second, he knows when he goes home he will have to face his dad.
20 years ago
Evan was five years old. He got the first rank in the class. He can't wait to go home and show him the report card. He wants to see his dad's proud face and praise him. He excitedly goes into the house. But his step slows down when he hears someone arguing. He reached the main gate and stand there. He looks his mother and sister who was three years old crying. His dad standing in front of them and beside him was a woman standing with a child. "How can you leave us? Just because of this low-class bitch woman" His mom was shouting at his father. "Jane, don't say anything about her. I never loved you. I marry you because my father forced me. I always loved Camilla." His father said while holding hands of Camilla. Evan's dad looked at Mrs.jane and said "They are my family they need me" he take his luggage and walk to the main gate where Evan was standing and heard them. Evan goes near his dad and holds his hand and said " They are not your family, dad, we are your family" His dad didn't reply and removes Evan's hand from his hand. Evan's dad walks out of the house. Evan begged his dad "Dad, Dad, please don't leave us" but his dad didn't turn. Evan was looking at his dad who didn't turn once to see them. Evan looked at his mom and his little sister who was crying and walking toward the gate "Dada Dada" while shouting. Evan goes near her and hugs her tears from his eyes falling. He hates his dad who leaves them crying. "We don't need a dad in our life" He mumbled holding his little sister who was crying.
At present
Evan opens his eyes and takes a deep breath. He looked to the sky from the huge size of glass window. It was already evening.
At Cooper villa
Evan comes back home from the office the first scene he sees while entering is his father having tea sitting on the sofa with Camilla. His Grandma was so happy that the smile didn't leave her face. He looked around but his mother is nowhere found. He takes a deep breath and steps inside the house. He didn't glance at his father once and walked toward his room. " Evan, come greet your after all he comes back after so many years," His grandma said. Evan looked at his father and chuckled. " Hello Mr.Davis Cooper, How did you come to my house? I remember well that I have not invited you." Evan laughed and said, "maybe you have a habit of going to someone's house without inviting them." "How are you talking to your father?" Grandma screamed. "Never mind, mother, I understand that you are angry with Evan. But this house is not only yours but mine too. So I can come to my house without inviting you." Mrs. Davis said. " No this is not your home You probably forgot that you left this house long ago," Evan said. Mr. Davis was stunned at Evan's behavior but he smile and put his hand on Evan's shoulder and said "I thought that when you grow up, you will leave this childishness and stubbornness of yours. I thought you will be mature when you grow up but I am disappointed." Evan removes Mr. Davis's hand from his shoulders and stood in front of him. Evan is 6'4 while Mr.Davis is 6'0 feet. "I am sorry to disappoint you, Mr. Davis Cooper. But I don't have a father to teach manners to me. My father leaves with his lover a long time ago." Evan said and looked at his father's face. a smile comes on Evan's lips. " I hope you leave my house soon," he said to Mr. Davis and left for his room.
At dinner
Grandma, Mrs.jane, Jennifer, Evan, Mr.Davis, and Camilla were sitting at the dining table. Aubrey was serving dinner to them. Everyone was silent and had dinner. Only Grandma and Mr. Davis are talking.
Mrs. Jane was looking at Camilla like she wants to kill her. She see Aubrey was coming to serve the soup to Camilla. Mrs.Jane extend her feet Aubrey hit her feet and the bowl in her hand fell on Camilla's arm. "Ahhhhhh" Camilla screamed. Her arm was burned. Everyone looked at Camilla. Mrs. jane was smiling."I am sorry,y ma'am, I didn't know how. I am sorry" Aubrey takeout the tissue and was about to touch her arm but Camilla pushes her away. Aubrey hit her arm on the chair. "How dare you. Don't you know how to do your work" Camilla shouted at her. "Mother, why have you hired the girl who does not even know how to do her work? Look, What it has done burnt my wife's hand." Mr. Davis says to Grandma. Grandma looked at Aubrey who was standing with her head down. "Aubrey apologize." Aubrey didn't say anything, she was looking down. "You didn't listen to what mother said, apologize to my wife." Mrs.Davis shouted at Aubrey. Aubrey looked at Davis and said "I, I, I, am " "My wife will not apologize to anyone." Everyone heard Evan's voice and was surprised. Mrs.Jane was looking at Evan's what he was saying. "your wife" Davis asked in shock. "Yes, you and your mistress are shouting at my wife," Evan said. "You have married a Maid." Mr. Davis asked.
Evan laughed and said, "She is not a maid, She likes to work, that's why she works, and anyway you can make any roadside girl your wife and I can't marry a maid. it isn't it?." Everyone became silent, and did not say anything, everyone was looking at Evan and Mr. Davis. Then everyone heard the sound of breaking the glass, everyone saw the sound coming from where Cassie was standing.
"what you are saying, Evan," Cassie asked. Aaron went to Cassie and said. "What are you doing here?" Evan asked Cassie. "Your mother invited me to dinner," Cassie said. Evan looked at his mom angrily. Cassie holds Evan's hand and asks "what do you mean by your marriage? What do you mean she is your wife?" Aaron looked at Cassie and said, " you heard it right, I got married when you left me for your career and went to another country."Seeing Cassie's expression on Evan's face brought a smile. Aaron looked at Aubrey and "Aubrey came here." he told Aubrey. Aubrey was surprised by what Evan is doing last night he told her to divorce him now he was telling everyone that she is his wife. "Aubrey comes here," Evan said again. Aubrey don't know what she should do she looked at Grandma's face. Anger was visible on her face. Aubrey was scared but she see Evan's face first time in their marriage he called her his wife. She doesn't want to miss any opportunity to get close to Evan. Aubrey nodded and go near Evan and stand next to him. Evan took Aubrey's hand in his hand and smiled at her and said "Cassie, meet my wife, Aubrey. And Aubrey meet my ex-girlfriend Cassie" Evan introduce them both. Both Cassie and Aubrey were looking at Evan in confusion. Evan looked at everyone and said" if everyone has met my wife, can I take my wife with me? She must be tired after cooking for everyone." Aubrey is stunned. Evan grabbed Aubrey's hand and took her to his room. Everyone was looking at both of them in shock.

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