Chapter 66

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Emery's POV

It's now been a week since the wedding, it's September 29th and Auden and Oliver are in Europe for their honeymoon. I think they're in Paris now, or Rome, or Amsterdam, or something like that. Don't really remember where they were going first, all I know is that they're having so much fun. The pictures look amazing too.

As for Jake and I... Nothing's really happened. I've been going back and forth on whether to call him or not but I haven't and he hasn't either. We haven't spoken since the night he gave me the dress. I want- no, I need to talk to him. It's been long enough. We were children when this all started but we're adults now, we can make out own decisions. Damn it, I can make my own decisions. 

I pick up my phone from the table and press his name. It rings about three times before he picks up.

"Hey, how are you?" 

"Who's this?"

That's not Jake...

"It's Emery... Who's this?"

"Wait! Emery as in Michael's ex-girlfriend Emery? Oh my God. I can't believe I'm talking to you."

"Wait- Ava?"

"Uh hu. This is she. The one and only." Why is she answering his phone? "Why are you calling Jake?"

"Oh, ehm... I just owe him something."

"And you couldn't send him a text?"

"Well I- Can I ask why you have his phone?"

"We're engaged."

That, if anything, felt like a knife through my heart. 

"I- I thought you broke up."

"Why would you think that?"

"You were sleeping with Michael."


"You can't-"

"You're boring. I have to go, bye."

I- What the hell just happened? He's still engaged to her? After what she did? Does he even know? Is this why he hasn't visited me in the last week?

Too much. Way too much going on. I put my phone back on the table and head to the bathroom. I need a shower after this. A nice, warm- 

I get interrupted by my phone vibrating.

*Incoming call from Jake*

What? She doesn't find me boring anymore? I ignore it and walk into the shower. I let the water fall over my body, down my shoulders and legs. I really need to shave too. Ugh, and I thought this would be a nice shower. I hate shaving.

After the shower, I walk out of the bathroom and to my room wearing a towel. No one is home anyways so no one can see me. I quickly change into some jeans and a simple white hoodie. The coldness of autumn has begun, I love it. Hoodies, thick blankets, a fireplace, and a nice book. Absolutely love it. 

I head back downstairs to throw together some food. We've been eating leftovers from the wedding for so many days now, just the thought of chicken grosses me out. I find some eggs and decide to cook an omelet. Once it's done I set it down on the table next to my phone, that's when I notice the messages.

*Missed call from Jake*

Jake: Can you please answer?

*Missed call from Jake*

Jake: Emery?

Jake: Please just answer, I want to explain

Jake: Don't leave me like this

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