Chapter 50

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Emery's POV



He has a fiancé.







This is fine.

You have a boyfriend Emery.

A boyfriend you love very much.


It's fine.

I'm fine.

"H-hello?" The woman waved her hand in front of my face.

"Yes, sorry. I just ehm... I didn't know that you got engaged." I look at Jake.

"Yeah..." He scratches his neck. "Last year."

"He proposed at a New Year's Eve party. It was so romantic! The fireworks and all the people. It was just perfect!" She jumps with joy. 

I just stare at them, what the hell am I supposed to say?

"Well... I have to go buy things." Real clever...

"Oh... Hey, ehm. Are you free tonight? Thought we could catch up." Jake asks. 

"I'm free, yeah." This is so awkward.

"Great, I'll pick you up."

Before I have the chance to say anything back, his fiance grabs him and walks away. He looks back at me and waves, I wave back.

When I turn my head back to the table I see Ally and Andrea looking at each other quietly and then looking at me.

"We wanted to tell you but we never got a good time..."

"You knew?!" I yell. "You knew and you didn't tell me?!"

"Well, we didn't really get a chance-"

"A YEAR. He's been engaged for A YEAR. In 365 days you never found one to tell me?" 

"But you were so happy with Michael-" Ally says.

"You ARE happy with Michael. We didn't want to distract you with something like this." Andrea chimes in.

I look at them and I somewhat get it. If they would've told me I would've gone crazy. 

"I guess you're right..." I sigh. 

"But you're meeting him later?" Ally asks.

"Yeah, why not? For old time's sake."

They look at each other.


"Just don't... Don't forget about Michael."

"Wha- You guys! I won't." They look at me. "I promise!"

The rest of the day went on great. We caught up on so much (even though we talked on the phone pretty much every day). 

But right now I'm in my room walking back and forth, trying to decide what to wear for tonight. I don't want to be too dressed up cause then he'll think  I tried, but I don't want to be too casual either cause then he'll think that I don't care. But I do care. Or do I? Yeah, he's my friend. 

My friend that I had sex with...

My friend that had his fingers inside me...

My friend that made me scream for more...

My friend. Jake is my friend.

My friend that has a fiance... 

God, why can't I forget that? He looked so happy too. Not that he isn't supposed to be happy but... He looked so happy. Was he that happy when we were together? Should I even be thinking this when I'm with Michael? I've moved on with him and Jake has moved on with Ava. Clearly.

I let go of these thoughts and grab a pair of jeans and a shirt. Keep it simple. Just when I'm done my door opens and I see Jaelyn there. 

"There's a boy down there asking if you are here." 

"What does he look like?"

"Cute." She giggles and covers her mouth.

I laugh and grab my purse. We walk down together and I gasp when I see him.

He looks just like he used to. Just like he looked when he would pick me up for a date.

"Hi." He smiles.

"Hi." I smile back and there's silence.

"Hi!" Jaelyn says giggling.

"Hi!" Jake says back and waves. She laughs and hides behind me. "Are you ready?" He asks.

"Yeah, you?"

"Y-yes? I kind of drove here if you don't remember?" He laughs.

I join him, trying to hide my nervosity. It works and we leave the house.

"Where exactly are we going?" I ask after a few seconds. 

"I don't really know." He laughs, scratching his neck. "I thought that you maybe had a suggestion?" He opens the car door for me and I get in.

I wait for him to get in too and start the car before replying, "I have no idea." I laugh.

He doesn't start driving, "Is this-" he stops, "Is this weird? Or not weird but awkward?" he laughs.

"Yes!" I exclaim, "God... I thought I was the awkward one. Why is it awkward though? We know each other pretty well, it shouldn't be like this."

He sighs, "I have no idea. Let's just try to act like we used to before."

"You mean when we were dating?"

"Not exactly that, no... Ehm, let's just act like before when we were just friends."

Just friends... Right.

I nod and we head off to... To somewhere. After about, maybe 15 minutes of driving, we find a nice cafe. He holds the door open for me to go in first. Reminds me of prom... 

"Chai Latte?" He asks as he pulls out my chair.

"Ehm, yeah." I sit down. "You remember?"

"Of course, I remember everything." He says and walks over to the cashier to order.

He remembers everything? What does that even mean? Is it good that he remembers everything? Or maybe bad? Maybe just bad memories? But why would he-

"Here-" He says and puts my chai latte in front of me. 

"Thanks." I smile and take a sip. It gets quiet. Me drinking my chai latte and he drinking his coffee.

"So... What exactly do you mean by 'I remember everything'? It's just- Is it bad?"

"No! No, God no. I just-" He sighs. "I ehm... I had a very hard time getting over you. Really, like- I couldn't do everything. Fuck Emery, you weren't even in the country. You ran off to England-"

"What? I didn't run off to England Jake. I went to see my grandma."

"Yeah? And how long did that take you? You stayed Emery. You stayed because Michael was there."

"So? What has he have to do with this?"

"He-" He sighs again. "Nothing."

--- --- --- --- --- --- 

Well... Done with this chapter, haha.


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