Chapter 37

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Emery's POV

"At all?" Mom asks confused.

"Well, maybe someday but not now."

They look at each other.

"You're not mad are you?"

"What? No! Of course not." Dad says.

"We just- We thought that you wanted to go to college so you shocked us. That's all. But is it because..." Mom asks.

"Yeah, I just want to enjoy this now." I answer.

"Well, you know what? This is even better." Dad says. 


"Now we can keep the money." He laughs.

"Wow." I laugh. "That's good I guess."

"Yes, indeed." He answers.

"So-" Mom starts. "What exactly are you going to do?"

"I don't have anything figured out yet, but I want to travel. Maybe go to Europe?" It actually sounds like a good idea. Why not? Visit some countries and just be by myself. I need that so bad.

"Europe huh? You should go to England, visit grandma." Dad says.

"Yeah, I haven't met grandma in so long!"

"Well then. There's your plan." Mom laughs. "Just have fun honey. Forget about Jake and everything. Clear your mind, it'll do you good."

"Wait what? What do you mean 'forget Jake'?" Oh no... "What did Jake do?" Dad's mood shifts completely. He's angry.

"Nothing. We just- Grew apart." My ass we grew apart. But he can't know what happened. I don't want to visit my dad in jail for murder.

"Grew apart?" He sounds sceptical.

"Yeah, like me and Noah." Mom says.

"Who's Noah?"

"An idiot." Dad says and looks away.

"An idiot? Why?"

"He was your mom's boyfriend but he broke up with her. Idiot."

"He broke up with me? If I remember correctly you-"

"Hey, guys?" Auden suddenly walks in through the door with Oliver. 

"Oliver! What a pleasure!" My mom smiles. 

"I ehm... Didn't mean to interrupt. But can Oliver spend the night?"  

"Yes, of course. We'll eat soon. Anything you're allergic to Oliver?"

Oliver opens his mouth but Auden cuts him off. "Nope. Nothing. He's perfect." Auden says and they smile at each other. 

What a cute relationship. I want that. I had that. I don't anymore. Wow... Way to bum yourself out Emery.

* * *

We had pasta. Plain pasta. DELICIOUS.

Oliver and Auden are in his room with the door open. Dad wouldn't let them close it because apparently 'Your mom and I used to close the door and well... Things touched.' Gross. I know. 

I actually invited Andrea over. I needed someone to talk to and she said that she was a great listener so why not? She should be arriving in about 20 minutes so that gives me time to get ready. I brush my hair and put it in a bun really quick. I also change into a black t-shirt with a print of Captain America's shield on it, and I match it with black jeans. When I'm done there's about 10 minutes till she'll get here so I decide to just lay down and scroll through Instagram. 

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