Chapter 51

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Emery's POV

"No. Not 'nothing'. What do you have to say?" I'm getting angry. He can't just sit there and say things like this. While he's engaged might I add.

"I just- I thought you would come back."

"I did come back?"

"I thought you'd come back... alone." He says looking away.

Oh... I didn't know he waited for me. Did he want us to get back together? I just sit in silence and stare at the floor. Was he sad when I got back from England with Michael? I mean, he's engaged now so I guess that everything is okay?

"Can you say something?" He asks.

"I ehm... I don't really know what to say, Jake. I came back with Michael and you're engaged now." I pause. "What is there to say?"

"A lot apparently." He murmurs.

"No, enough! If you have something to say, say it!" 

"You told me to give you time and space!" He yells out. "And I did. I really did. Then you just come back with a fucking boyfriend without any warning? What were you thinking?"

"Excuse me?!" I say, standing up. "What do you mean 'What were you thinking'? I got over you, which by the way wasn't easy, and then I found Michael." I grab my things. "And you could've told me you were engaged you know." I say and walk out.

What was I thinking? Of course he hasn't changed. And why is he mad at me? HE didn't tell me he was engaged. HE does NOT have the right to be mad at ME. 

Without realizing it, I had walked to the bus stop. Jake was my way of transportation so this is my only way home now. While waiting for the bus I feel my phone buzzing in my pocket.

Jake: Where did you go?

Jake: Look, I'm sorry okay?

Jake: Can you just come back so we can talk? Let me at least drive you home.

Jake: Emery.

Jake:  Please come back.

Let him worry, I don't care.

The bus comes, I ignore the messages and get on. It's not such a long way home but it feels like an eternity. 

When I do get home, I see everyone in the living room watching a movie.

"Hey." I say quietly, trying not to disturb them.

"Hi, honey! You're home early." Mom says, getting up to hug me.

"Well, I didn't really say that I would be gone for long." I laugh.

"I know but-" She pauses and looks at me. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." I smile. "Just tired so I'll go straight to bed."

"Okay." She hugs me and I walk up to my room. I hope she buys it. I'm not really in the mood to talk to them so I turn on my phone to see what Michael is up to.

Me: Hey! What are you doing? 

Michael: Just finishing up some work. I'll probably be late for today.

Right. I was so messed up in all the Jake stuff that I forgot I had plans with Michael today.

Me: Okay, but don't you think they're sending you too much work? You've stayed behind at the office for a few days now.

Michael: No, I just like to work. And working both in the office here and back home is good for me, I bring in more money for my future.

Me: Don't you mean our future?

Michael: Yes of course, but I have to go back to work now.

Me: Oh, okay. Love you.

Michael: Love you too.

Well... What to do now? Sleep? I am tired. Doesn't actually sound so bad now that I think about it. Just a little nap, that'll do just the thing. I get out of my clothes and put on something more comfortable and then I go to bed. It does take a while but I eventually fall asleep. 

Little did I know that the little 'nap' turned into a full-blown sleep. It's now morning and I hear someone downstairs preparing breakfast. I quickly brush through my hair and walk down to the kitchen. Dad's there boiling eggs. 

"Morning." I say and grab a bottle of water.

"Good morning." He says back. "You okay? Your mother kept me up saying something was wrong."

How the hell does she know? The powers of being a mother I guess. 

"Really? What did she say?"

"To be honest I dozed off after five minutes then woke up again but she didn't notice so I don't really remember." He laughs and I join him.

"What's so funny?" Auden comes in.

"Just dad being dad." I say and laugh while dad rolls his eyes.

Auden looks around the room, "I actually wanted to talk to you." He says to dad. "But you can hear this too." He says to me.

Dad and I look at each other and then at Auden. 

"Okay... So as you know, I've dated Oliver for about... Well many years." He pauses.

"Yes?" I say.

"Well, I've been thinking about the future-" Omg, is he saying what I think he's saying. "-and I bought this a few days ago." He takes a small box out of his pocket and opens it.

"Auden!" I gasp. "Are you going to propose?" 

"Yeah." He smiles. "I am." 

I walk over and give him a hug. I'm so happy for him, and for Oliver! I can't believe my brother is getting married! I pull away, turn around and look at dad.

"You're quiet..." 

He looks at the box. "It's bigger than the one I bought for you mother. I thought you well." He smiles and hugs him. This is amazing!

"So, when are you going to do it?" I ask.

"I think on Thursday. We both are free from work and have nothing to do so I booked us a table at a restaurant we both love." He smiles. "I haven't figured out exactly how I'll do it but I guess that'll be the least of my worries. As long as he says yes." He laughs and dad and I join him.

"Don't worry Auden, I'm sure he'll say yes." I say and hug him.

--- --- --- --- --- ---

That's it! There's so much happening in my life right now so this isn't my first thing to focus on and I sometime feel like I'm getting worse at writing but I'm sure it's just a feeling. I do hope you liked it tho! 

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