Ready, Set....

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"Ok! Everyone place your bets now: will Ye-seo find a way to embarrass herself yet again today?"

"I literally hate all of you."

     Every hand in the car was raised.

     I scowled. "You all suck."

     Iseul opened her mouth to speak but was stopped by a quick hand on her mouth. "One car ride. One. That's all I ask for," Ben muttered.

I crossed my arms over my chest. "You can put your hands down now."

"Are you sure?" Ae-cha teased.


I saw Sun-hee elbow the maknae beside her with a smile and point to something past me. I looked over my shoulder and frowned harder.

Our manager met my eyes with a smirk, her hand raised.

"Seriously?" I said.

She shrugged. "You're hopeless at this point."

I quickly turned back around, leaning back against my seat. "You're all traitors. Absolutely dead to me. See if you make it into the will."

     The small silence was broken by Xiuying's snort. "I call her spinning chair."

     Sun-hee pouted. "No way! I wanted that!"

     Xiuying stuck out her tongue.

     "I call her manga collection."

     A chorus of complaints rose at Ben's words. It was funny until Iseul pinched Xiu, which caused the maknae to start screaming at the top of her lungs.

From the front passenger seat Seo-yoon groaned. "Alright, which one of you set off the fire alarm?"

Sun-hee clapped a hand over Xiuying's mouth.

Xiu licked her hand.

Sun-hee screeched.

I raised my hands. "Guys, guys! Calm yourselves!" I said. "Bold of you to assume that ANY of you are getting my stuff."

The car went quiet as they turned to me. "What do you mean?" Ae-cha said.

"I mean none of you are getting my things because they'll be buried with me. In a pyramid, preferably."

"Like the Egyptians?" Iseul questioned.

"No, like the Irish." I deadpanned.

I saw Xiuying lean over and whisper something to Ae-cha. The blonde turned to her with an offended look. "No! The Irish did not have pyramids!" She yelled.

I slapped a hand over my mouth to try and cover my snicker.

I did not succeed.

Ben shook her head. "Oh, you poor little idiot."

I felt the car slowly roll to a stop as I calmed down. Seo-yoon turned around in her seat, running a hand through her hair. "Alright girls. We're here."

The others quickly tried to look through the tinted windows at our surroundings as I faced Seo-yoon. "So what exactly are we doing today?" I asked.

She turned around in her seat with a smirk before giving me a wink. "What did I say about patience, Ye-seo?"

I narrowed my eyes. "Nothing. Literally nothing."

"Oh. Well. I guess you'll have to wait for that too."

Haha very funny.

I collapsed back into my seat with a pout.

It's Definitely You [discontinued]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora