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I woke up on Saturday at around 11:00 am.
I never woke up this late even if it was the weekend, maybe the few sips of alcohol I drank did it.

I lazily sat up, grabbing my phone. I feel bad for not answering jay last night.. I thought to myself before checking my messages.
My friends were already texting the group message with random stuff.

Jungwon is a dumbass

Wow they changed the name again

Sunoo I just woke up with the worst freaking headache omg

Jake I think mines way worse...

Daniel you think?? you made my night hell- you were so gone.

Sunoo hahah well my night was great!!
Sunoo I was getting to know niki and omg he's just so cute and nice but, I think he's just being friendly. It's okay though because I'll make him like me! 😈

Me no you won't.
Me also who tf changed the gc name??? that's rude 😭

Daniel OH you're awake, it was sunoo

Sunoo first of all fuck you daniel~
Sunoo AND YOU LITTLE BRAT, you left us all there when you were the one who invited us!!!

Me I'm sorry but something came up. I left sunghoon with you so shut your mouth 😾

Jake I don't even know what happened last night lmaooo

Daniel just know that you were acting stupid

Sunoo sunghoon was drunk himself lol but luckily he got us an Uber home 🤧

Me did you guys happen to see jay at all?

Jake ooooh whyyy? 😏

Me omg nevermind

Sunoo lolll well I didn't see him no 🤨

Daniel I think I saw him go upstairs after a bit but that's it

Me oh okay

Sunghoon oh why are you guys awake. btw, jungwon you said you were gonna tell what happened last night?

Jake so something did happen ??

Me kind of but it's not important.

Daniel dude Jake was acting like a literal child. I'm still not over it.

Jake ya know whAt? I'm allowed to act like a kid sometimes!

Daniel no jake, you were worse than a kid
Daniel you even told me your secret

Jake wait what??? no I didn't!

Daniel mhm you did. you better behave or else I'll tell everyone~~

Jake ugh I hate you.

Daniel same


I shook my head and began debating if I should at least tell sunghoon what happened. He'd understand, right?
I mean.. he's told me his secrets and trusted me. Maybe I should trust him. I need to tell someone about it because I have no idea what to do.


Me hey hoon, are you busy?

Sunghoon nope just contemplating life. why, what's up?

Me lol yeah I'm sorry about the whole sunoo situation
Me but can I talk to you about what happened?

Sunghoon oh of course. do you want to meet up or just text?

Falling // JaywonWhere stories live. Discover now