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Jay pulled into a parking lot and I was beginning to wonder why I didn't ask where we were going. I looked around and noticed it was some kind of café, "So I was thinking, how much you go to that café near our school. I found this new cat café.. I thought you might like it." He gestured to the building in front of us.

I smiled no matter how much I didn't want to, I opened the car door and walked outside. I stood in from of his parked car, He quickly followed behind me, "Oh my god. I love cats! I've always wanted to go to one of these.." I smiled happily, I didn't even realize that I began jumping up and down too. I guess cats are really my breaking point.

I looked over at jay to see him smiling, "cute." I quickly stopped and made a serious face after hearing him, he laughed and began walking towards the building, I followed him.

We were seated and immediately cats began to come over to us. A white fluffy cat sat on my lap, I smiled happily as I pet her. "She is so cute!" I exclaimed, I almost forgot I went here with jay because of how hyped I was.
Jay hummed while he pet this other cat, I couldn't stop myself from smiling at the sight.
"Look jay, she is so pretty!" I told him, holding the cat that was on my lap. He laughed and nodded. "You kind of look like a cat too~" he said while looking right into my eyes.

It'd be a lie to say I didn't get some kind of butterflies by the way he was looking at me. Okay this is kinda weird now.

I was the first to look away, I ignored it and began playing with more cats.


The whole time was honestly so fun, I forgot that I didn't want to go in the first place. Jay is also really funny, he's pretty.. enjoyable to be around.

On the ride home I found myself not being able to stop looking over at jay. I didn't even get a chance to notice how good he looked until now. because of how upset I was.
It seemed like he actually tried to look good to come see me, unlike myself, I just threw on my casual clothes.
I felt bad. Like really bad.

"Thank you jay, for taking me," I said, looking over at the boy who was focusing on the road but he still smiled. "It's my pleasure. Thank you for going with me" he said politely, I was confused why he'd thank me for hanging out with him. "Why? I'm honestly not anything special, why would you want to hangout with me so bad?" I asked curiously, he glanced at me. He shrugged, I could tell he was smiling a little bit. "I don't know.. you're kinda cool I guess."

I laughed at the sentence, "Me? Kinda cool? Hell no, I'm the coolest. You must be blind~" I said as a joke. He laughed loudly and shook his head before he realized he shouldn't get too distracted. I smiled to myself at his laugh.

"I guess you're right, you're pretty damn cool Yang Jungwon" Jay replied, the words gave me some kind of happiness.
I nodded happily, "that's what I thought~" I said jokingly even though I felt like I was going to explode inside. why am i feeling like this?


Soon I got home and we said goodbye, I left not feeling any more awkwardness between us. Well for now, hopefully it'll stay like this.
Jays not so bad after all.


Sunoo is stupid

Me hey bitches

Sunoo sorry but I currently want to erase myself from the earth!!!

Sunghoon and why's that??

Sunoo ugh I just got my math test back and I failed it

Jake bro it's not my fault you're stupid

Sunoo I hate you so much! you're the one who helped me study for it 😭

Jake hmph fine I'm sorry, I did actually try to help you tho..

Sunoo fine I forgive u only because you're Jake.

Jake ty Sunoo ~

Daniel hey jungwon, what are you up to?

Me oh omg, I just got home from doing the best thing ever!

Sunoo hmm you seem happy?

Sunghoon this is new 🤨

Me it's because I am! i just went to this new cat café it was so adorable. I can die happy now.

Jake oh did you go by yourself ?😏

Me uhm yeah I did

Jake ur such a bad lier!!

Sunoo he literally is- so who took you out hmmm?

Sunghoon lmao this is suddenly interesting~

Me it shouldn't matter to you guys

Jake well it does!! we're curious 😤

Me fine. jay took me.


Jake hahahaha I knew it!!

Sunghoon lmao 😭😭 you guys are so dramatic

Me yes they are, thank u hoon!
Me listen, I didn't even want to go! i owed him because he let me borrow his blazer that's it. he asked me hangout with him in exchange for that!

Jake excuses~

Sunoo it sounds like a date to meeee

Daniel oh I understand that wonie

Me see this is why Daniel is my favorite


Jake yk what I'm not even offended, I deserve it at this point 🤧

Sunghoon wow jungwon- I've been nice to you!

Sunoo hahahaha poor sunghoon~ it's okay hoon, you're my favorite

Me awwww cute~~

Sunghoon be quiet jungwon~

Me 😉😉

Sunoo uhm ok?
Sunoo I gotta go; dinner timeeee


I smiled down at my phone while I exited out of the chat. I decided to give Jay a quick thank you text. I still felt pretty bad even though he didn't seem upset about it.


Me thank you

Jay park for? 😅

Me for taking me to the café!

Jay park oh haha no problem, I didn't realize you enjoyed it so much.

Me well I did :)

Jay park you looked really cute btw

I could feel my face getting warm but I immediately forced myself to stop, I couldn't get flattered by jay.

Me thanksss
Me goodnight see you tomorrow

Jay park oh- okay see you, jungwon :)


Why am I starting to feel some kind of way around him?...


Party in the next part, it'll get interesting :D

Falling // JaywonWhere stories live. Discover now