Chapter 28 - Theo

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"But we have to help Kaden," Abi finished for me with a gentle smile – a genuine smile, this time. "We know, Theo. We came over here to help you, and if that means helping your possessed friend, then we'll do it."

"Thanks." I smiled back and then hesitated. "I know you never doubt your feelings, but is there any chance your prediction could be wrong?"

She pressed her lips together firmly and her eyebrows tightened in a frown. "I don't think so, Theo. I've never predicted death and been wrong about it... I'm sorry."

"Um, Theo?" Wednesday called down the stairs to me.

"Yeah? What's up?" I went to the bottom stairs to look up at her.

"I just ran the plan past Halia... And she asked what we're going to do with Victoria?"

Shit; I completely forgot about Victoria.

"Could we just let her loose and leave her to fend for herself?" I really didn't need to deal with a headache like Victoria right then, and letting her go seemed like the best option for making her not my problem anymore.

"I mean... She's hardly going to tell anyone anything, is she? No one other than this pack would know that my dad kidnapped and mutilated her, then held her for weeks in the attic," Wednesday replied with a shrug, and I could see that she too was more than ready to be rid of Victoria.

"Fine, we'll let her go once we leave." I decided, then walked upstairs to go pack mine and Ember's things.

It was a good thing I didn't unpack much more than grabbing a new t-shirt and new underwear every couple of days. Ember's bag, a large rucksack, was mostly packed too – meaning I didn't have much to pack other than throwing a few things in and zipping them.

"Wednesday, are you getting the spell books you need?" I shouted down to her, as she'd run downstairs.

"I'm on it!" She called back.

"Ryder, can you check when the next bus leaves Lake Oldoy?"

"Sure thing!"

"Zack, can you get some food from the pantry?"

"Got it!"

"Abi, can you help Halia downstairs?"

"Okay, Mr Alpha," Abi mocked as she walked past me. "Thanks for sticking me on nanny duty."

"Next bus leaves in 15 minutes!" Ryder shouted up before I could respond to Abi.

"We better get moving then!" I called out to everyone – easily taking charge of our need to get to Hopecliffe as soon as possible.

Bags in hand, I raced downstairs and looked around at Wednesday, Zack and Ryder gathering their things up.

"Let's take this nice and slow, okay, Halia?" Abi was taking hold of Halia's arm and helping her downstairs gently.

"I am not an invalid, thank you very much," Halia spat back coldly, yet let herself be helped all the same.

It didn't take long before the remainder of my pack was ready to go. There was a range of bags slung across shoulders: from duffel bags to rucksacks, to thick messenger bags for Wednesday's precious spell books and vials of herbs. Zack had packed a duffel bag full of tinned food and dried goods, so I knew we'd be able to eat once we got to Hopecliffe

"We good to go yet?" Ryder asked exasperatedly, clearly anxious to get to Hopecliffe.

"Victoria?" Abi questioned and pointed upstairs with a shrug while holding onto Halia.

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