Chapter 27 - Theo

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At Abi's message of death, Halia flat-out fainted. And, transfixed as we were by what we'd just been told, none of us managed to catch her before she crashed to the ground.

I'd been worried that she'd broken her arm, but Wednesday quickly insisted that it wasn't possible – due to her being a naiad at one with the ocean, Halia's bones were much more fluid than that of an average person.

Zack helped Abi into the lounge so she could sit down on the couch, while I stood and stared blankly at my dad.

"Dad, what...?" Words failed me, so I merely walked over to him trance-like and hugged him.

"What am I doing here?" Dad finished my unaired question. After I nodded, he sighed, "I managed to help Maia contain the skinwalker spirit, then we met up with Zack and Abi – who were all feeling the pull of you as their Alpha."

"How?" Thea and I frowned in sync.

"The three of them had already chosen a side before they left Montana. As we all know, towards the end, Jason wasn't exactly interested in helping out anyone apart from himself and Jade," Dad explained with a huff.

"No other reason why you're back here?" Thea quirked an eyebrow up at him.

"Of course." Our dad rolled his eyes at us. "I missed my kids."

"Well, you've got perfect timing," Al scoffed as she carried a coffee through to Abi, her words drenched in sarcasm. "We're one parent down so another one hanging around and telling us what we can and can't do is just what we need."

"She'll calm down once I tell her you're gonna help us too, Jonathan," Ryder reassured as he followed the angry pixie through to the lounge with a packet of cookies in his hand.

Dad chuckled slightly at my pack running around and all the chaos in the Mortelles' average-sized house. "Oh yeah, I'm definitely gonna stay out of this and rent someplace else. Not too far away, though."

"Dad. I think it's time you told us about that prophecy about me and Theo," Thea demanded bluntly out of the blue. "If Abi's right – and she probably is," she added at my scowl, "Then we need to know if Theo and I are destined to die together Blood Brothers style."

My scowl rapidly morphed into a look of surprise as the three of us instinctively drifted towards the dining room and away from the havoc in the hallway and the lounge.

"What?" Thea threw her hands up in mock defence. "You read classic novels to deal with your insomnia, and I read contemporary plays. Deal with it."

"You're right, Thea," Dad admitted wearily. "I've kept both of you in the dark for too long – especially since it's too late to be avoided now."

<Uh oh. That doesn't sound great.>

"When your mother found out she was pregnant with twins, she was instantly concerned." Dad's face became drawn in serious. "She found a trustworthy medium and asked her the future of her twins – the future of you two."

Beside me, Thea sucked in a breath, so I clasped my hand over hers in reassurance. She shot a smile at me, yet her face was set as she waited for our dad to keep talking.

"The medium told us that if we raised you together, both of you were destined to become supernatural and fight side by side and defend one another. We made the decision to separate you two to ensure that you would have more of a childhood before you would eventually become supernatural in some way or another."

"How did you decide which of us to send away and which of us to raise yourselves?" I asked quietly, knowing the question must've been lingering on Thea's mind too. I squeezed her hand a little.

Drowning with Fire #3 ✔जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें