Chapter 16 - Theo

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I should've known someone was coming. I should've sensed it a mile off, but I was preoccupied, to say the least.

I held onto Ember tightly, we were completely exposed and completely vulnerable. I have to protect her.

"Well, sorry to interrupt you two lovebirds." Killian spoke, no trace of apology or humour in his voice. Instead, jealousy seethed from him.

Jealous of us? With a faint shudder that I worked hard to keep imperceptible, I remembered Ember's day-terror. How he wanted her. How it seemed like he'd do anything to get her.

He's not even supposed to be here; what the fuck is going on?

Killian stalked over to the two of us – while I remained frozen like the idiot I was – and crouched down near Ember's head.

"I'll take it from here, Theo." He had the sheer nerve to wink at me, before he looped his arms under Ember's and began dragging her away from me.

"No!" I shouted, trying desperately to pull her back to me, while she wriggled and writhed in Killian's arms. Getting to my feet, I began running up the shore, "Don't you dare touch her!"

He stopped dragging her, shook his head and rolled his eyes in frustration. Then he clicked his fingers and I was stopped in my tracks. An invisible barrier descended around me, trapping me in and preventing me from getting to Ember.

"Theo!" She cried out, and in that moment then I knew I had failed her.

Because I wasn't fast enough.

I crashed my arms down on the barrier all around me, only getting more and more infuriated as my arms bounced off it. Some voodoo witchcraft had trapped me; any attempts to escape were futile.

"Ember..." I watched helplessly with guilt tearing through my heart as Killian stood with her body clasped in his arms.

Despite feeling a million miles away, I could hear and see them clearly. His taunting words as Ember struggled to summon the fire.

I always knew her anchor of 'wanting control' was never strong enough.

"You've played with fire and you've fought with fire." Killian glared cruelly down at her; his mocking tone evident as he used all her quips – like he'd been watching and waiting this entire time, biding his time until the moment that he could emerge. "What's next, Ember? You're running out of options here."

Shock flooded my system; this would only end one way.

"Ember! Run!" I yelled at her, pounding my fists against the invisible cage of air. "Run!"

Her eyes locked on mine, pausing in her struggle as she ducked out from under his arms and began to run. The joy that filled me was only temporary as she too was trapped by an invisible barrier, following another click of Killian's fingers.

He swept her up in his arms again, shaking his head in annoyance as he dragged her back to the cusp of the lake shore – right in front of me. Without hesitation, he dunked her head into the shallow water, cutting off her air and drowning her.

"Shit, Ember! No! NO!" Desperation consumed me; "Killian, take me instead. Whatever it is you want, you don't have to do this to her. Take me."

He lifted her head out of the water as she gasped for air, and I thought for a moment that he was considering taking me instead of her. But then he spoke, "You're useless to me. It's only her that I want."

With the Phoenix's scream tearing from her lungs, Ember threw her head back with a sudden burst of energy. Fire crackled from her fingertips as she thrust her pyrokinetic powers towards Killian.

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