Chapter 26 - Theo

Start from the beginning

<Okay... Thanks.>

"Mhm, Theo?" Ember yawned awake right on cue.

"Morning, gorgeous," I told her and leaned down to plant a kiss on her forehead – before she bolted up.

Sitting straight up in bed, Ember checked herself over – feeling her arms, her torso and her legs before she turned to me.

"What is it?" I sat up too.

"I had a terrible dream – more of a nightmare, really," she admitted without a moment's hesitation – forcing me to silently wonder whether my being her Alpha made her more inclined to tell me the truth.

"I'm listening." I nodded but refrained from rubbing her back in support as I was aware that any physical touch may have set her off.

Ember quickly explained her nightmare to me; how she'd been tied to a stake and was being burned to death while everyone she'd ever known watched her. She then specified that the crowd was made up of people that had been affected by knowing her – me included.

"But, Ember, I would never–" I rushed to console her yet she shook her head and cut me off.

"I know, Theo. I know." It was only then that her eyes finally landed on mine. "It still freaked me out."

Searching her worried face, I reassured her, "I'm here now."

"Thank fuck." She threw her arms around me and buried her face against my neck.

"I'm here," I repeated as I wrapped my arms around her waist and held her tight to me. "I'll always be right here."

"What?" Humour entered her voice as she pulled away from me a little, smirking. "Right here in this bed in the spare room at Wednesday's?"

Rolling my eyes at her, but silently rejoicing her humour returning to her, I corrected, "Right here, next to you, obviously."

"Okay, Mr Alpha." She giggled at me.

"You know..." I smirked as she climbed into my lap. "We probably have a couple of hours until the others get back..."

"Can I ask you something?" Ember asked a little shyly.

"Of course." I smiled at her reassuringly.

"What's a Luna?"

"A Luna," I began explaining, "Is an Alpha's partner – his soulmate. Sienna was Jason's Alpha – losing her tore him apart; that's how strong the link is between an Alpha and a Luna. Normally, a Luna is another werewolf, but not necessarily. With normal wolves, the Luna is the female Alpha of the pack."

"Does an Alpha choose his Luna?" She caught her bottom lip between her teeth and worry began to swim in her dark blue eyes.

"It depends." I shrugged – much to her annoyance. "What I meant to say is, does anyone choose to fall in love?"

"I guess not. It kinda just... happens." Ember frowned and then asked, "Do you know who your Luna is, Theo?"

Her question was obvious, as was her concern.

"Em, baby..." I gently took hold of her thighs and slid her closer against me. "All that Alpha-Luna stuff doesn't mean shit to me. It doesn't matter that you're not a wolf. You're the one I want to spend the rest of my life with – so I guess that makes you my Luna if that's what you're asking."

"I'd be proud to be your Luna, just as I'm proud to have you as my Alpha," she responded instantly as her hands landed on my shoulders and squeezed them. "Do you think this will make our connection stronger?"

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