It didn't matter because her words must have gotten through to the victim. She let out a shaky breath before continuing, "He grabbed my arm and pulled me into the hallway and then into the closet." She bit her lip. "His eyes were yellow, that's not normal, right? That wasn't him, right? Eyes don't turn yellow when you decide to have sex with someone, right?"

It was an odd question. Looking at her, Mai knew that this girl was about as inexperienced as she was, maybe more. So she pushed the thought of a possibly really good novel idea aside, possibly to tell Lin later if he really does write novels, and answered as best as she could.


"He's not possessed, you can be assured of that," Masako said after standing a moment in the conference room where the young professor had just woken up. "He probably has no recollection of what happened, same as the others. But he is no longer possessed."

"What? Where am I?" the man groaned, rubbing his head. "Possessed?"

"You're in a conference room in the Academic Building," Lin answered, leaning against the door. "Do you remember what happened?"

"Possessed?" he repeated his brows knitting. "As in a ghost taking over me? God, my head."

"We found you attacking a student in a closet," Lin told him plainly.

"What are you talking about? I would never harm anyone especially not a student here." The man shook his head. "The last thing I remember is walking down the stairs and was about to say 'hi' to Chinatsu-" His eyes widened as he realized what was meant behind the Chinese man's statement. "Chinatsu!"

He tried to stand up, but his head was still swimming and brought him back down to the chair. Monk turned to Lin. "Was that the name of the girl he attacked?"

Lin remained expressionless. "Not sure, Naru and Mai walked her back to her dorm and I believe Mai is interviewing her now."

"Is that a good idea?" Monk raised a brow.

"She insisted."

"God, with everything going on, did..." The professor rambled, rubbing his temples again. "I didn't...I didn't ra...assault her...did I?"

"No," Lin answered. "Luckily a member of our team witnessed the attack on one of our cameras and ran over here to stop it. She is with Chinatsu now."

"What have I done? What have I done? What have I done?" The man clutched his head and began rocking back and forth in his chair.

"I don't think we're going to get anything useful out of him," Masako said, turning to the two men by the door.


Day 2, 8:19 P.M.

"Well that got us absolutely nowhere," Ayako groaned as she and the priest came out of the headmaster's office. "No specific personal paranormal experience and claims he only called us in because the female staff were getting anxious. And he doesn't seem to like us here, was he like that when you guys came on Monday?"

"If he was, he was better at hiding it," John replied then shrugged and smiled sheepishly. "Then again, we had just gone through an eight hour drive up here, so I just might not have caught it."

"True, I'm surprised I was able to function after driving here yesterday." They both walked outside into the cold to get back to Base. "I'm also surprised that I didn't snap at anyone, I was so tired."

"You did snap at Naru, from what I heard from Yasuhara," John replied watching the snow fall in front of him. "That reminds me, Mr. Yamasaki did not seem too pleased with Naru's appearance."

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