"Alright take your time."

I hang up the phone then look around the living room. I have boxes piled ontop of each other that I need to put away. It doesn't leave me with much play time.

"Well you got to do what you got to do I guess."

I start on another box while waiting for Rin. 45 minutes pass by when a knock comes from the front door.

"It's open!!"

Rin opens the door and steps inside. "Hey how's it going? Did you miss me?"

I laugh "always. Has anyone ever told you make the cutest pregnant person?!"

Rin closes the door then stands with her hands on her belly.

"It's come across once or twice. So what can I help you with?"

I giggle "The DVDs are in that box would you mind sitting them on the low shelves."

Rin nods "Got cha! So how have things been?" Rin takes the box and sits on the floor.

"Good! I met someone!"

Rin raises a brow "well that was quick!!"

I wave her off "No no not like that. Although he is handsome. You know him actually. Tsukishima Kei."

Rin smiles "Tsukii?!! What a small world! Yes we go way back. How is he?"

"I can't answer that but he works as a tour guide at the museum." I smile softly.

"He also playes volleyball did he tell you that?" Rin winks.

"Right Frogs, it might have came up in slight conversation."

"So are you two seeing each other or-"

I blush "No Rin! He's my Raid buddy! It's strictly business with a slight bit of friendly in there."

Rin blinks twice "Raid buddy? As in JW Alive or Pokémon Go?"

"JW Alive Rin. We both play so.. oh I forgot to mention I have a job at the museum!"

Rin gasps "Ohoho I see this going somewhere."

I roll my eyes and shake my head "I-It's not like that!"

Rin sighs "How romantic~ you wanted a godly man F/n."

I look at her confused "Tsukishima godly and goes to church?"

She nods "Well he used to go to the church of Christ on 12th street. He went with Yamaguchi and his grandma. I went to that Church of Christ not to long ago and didn't see him or Yamaguchi. After Yamaguchis grandma passed I'm sure he quit coming. Hopefully not though."

"I'm sorry who's Yamaguchi?"

Rin hmms "he's Tsukishima Kei's best friend. He's a good guy."

"Ah I see.."

"So you find Kei attractive??~" Rin coos at me. I sweat drop.

"To be honest yes I do. Whether he is a godly man or not I still find him attractive. Now do I expect something to come of this arrangement him and I have? I do not but I wouldn't be terribly sorry if it did."

Rin laughs "Right, we'll have you two raided together yet?"

"Not yet. I kind of imagine us raiding on our lunch breaks. There's a boss over the museum almost every day I think."

Rin places the last DVD on the rack "All done! I also alphabetized them."

I gape at her "How did you to that so fast?!"

She shrugs "dunno. So you work at the same place. Are you sure you didn't plan this?"

I frown "No! You give me way to much credit but NO. It's Fate I guess."

Rin smiles "The Good Lord is working all things out. Nothing is a coincidence~"

I sigh and break down the box I'm holding "We are not entirely friends Rin, Tsukishima madethat clear."

"Did he say that?" She asks

I shake my head "N-Not exactly. Although I got the feeling of a friendship blossoming. I don't want to overstep if you know what I mean."

"I understand that f/n. But wouldn't it be great to fall in love?"

"Love? Rin, I just met the guy. Just because you married your child hood friend doesn't mean I have a fairytale coming my way. Nice try though."

Rin blushes and smiles "It is quite the fairytale huh? Look it's not the same situation that Ko-Chan and I had but it could still be a fairytale. Two people brought together by a video game. It's a good story, wish I thought of it!" (🫣)

I take a seat infront of Rin. She takes my hand in hers. "Dream alittle F/n, it might just become reality."

I slowly smile "wow you should write fortune cookies."

She laughs "I have a job thank you. But seriously be open to knew possibility with that new person in your life. He might surprise you!"

I retrieve my hands and put them on my lap. "thanks Rin. I think I'll play it safe for now.

She sighs "Well I'm always here for you."

"Yeah, I know. Hey Rin how come you don't play JW Alive anymore?"

Rin hmms "My life is busy. It was fun while it lasted but I literally have zero time to myself. Well almost zero. Now that I'm having another kid I'm going to be very occupied. I'm glad you found somone to play with besides me."

I nod "Sounds about right. I'm itching to battle a few bosses."

Rin looks around then at me like she has a idea. "Let's go for a ride, whatever boss you want. Text Tsukishima and see if he wants to battle too."

"Really? Wait no! I really have to unpack Rin. Thanks for trying to lift my spirits."

Rin nods "Just trying to help."

"Let's get back to work Rin."

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