26.) Under Pressure

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"Please, behave. I'll see you guys soon and please, get to your appointment on time." Mamá smiles.

"We will," Luz assures confidently.

"I'll only be gone for five days, if anything comes up please call me." Mom worries.

"Will do." I nod.

She continues berating us worriedly about what to do. But eventually, she does leave. She got a cab with some of her coworkers so they don't have to pay for airport parking. All we have to do is not get killed for five days. Sounds easy enough. But that leaves me in charge for five days. Not as easy but it's fine. At least I have more time with Hunter. And I won't have to sneak him into my room at ungodly hours of the night. My mom would immediately assume the worst from me. But I just like sleeping next to Hunter, knowing he's safe. And feeling safe when he's nearby.

But if we don't want to miss our appointment, we have to leave now. We load up the car again because we definitely can't leave the witches alone in the house. But the place isn't going to be packed, that's for sure. And it's not too far from the house.

They debate meaningless human things in the car. Gus is mostly the one instigating and Willow seems to be the only unbiased one. On the way, we pass the famous Wittebane statue. Thankfully none of them notice. Luz doesn't even notice because she's arguing with Hunter about the extra cheddar goldfish.

To slightly drown them out I turn in the radio. It's raining today even though it's summertime. The road we drive down is empty, surrounded by trees. No other cars are around and it's eerily serene. But I guess it's the calm I've been needing. Almost too calm.

"Great new song from Demi that's going to be a classic! Now, we've got a
lot of interesting things to talk about today." The radio host starts talking. "Cats! Today is national cat day so give your cat a hug when you get home. Cats of the world making things happen."

Cats. CATs. I let them down. I ruined everything. No one is happy here. Who knows what's going on with the Collector? I let everyone down, I'm the reason all of those people are gone. My speed starts to pick up. We soar down the empty road while the arguing continues. None of them even notice. I don't know what's going on and I don't know why I'm doing what I'm about to do. My hands slightly come off the wheel until they hover just above. It feels like my breathing stops for a moment, terrified and calm at the same time.

"Woah, we're going really fast!" Luz laughs suddenly and my hands grip the wheel before she can notice anything.

"You're right." I try to laugh. "I uh got distracted."

"Be careful." She says sincerely.

"Actually, let's pull over for a second," I mumble before turning to pull over.

"What's going on?" Amity asks.

"Nothing, nothing, I just need a second. Everyone stay in the car." I say as my fingers fumble with the seatbelt.

"But it's raining." Luz protests.

"It'll only be a second." I finally take off my seatbelt and get the door open. I quickly step out.

"What the hell are y-" Luz asks but I interrupt her by shutting the door.

My hands grip the hem of my shirt as I walk further away from the car. It's raining lighter now, soft drops hit my skin. I can't do this. Why am I acting like this? What is wrong with me?

"Hey! Are you okay?" Hunter asks and I hear the car door shut again.

"All good!" I call while still not turning around.

Something to Prove (Golden Guard x reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora