10.) Stay Open

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A/N: just a short chapter to move the story along :) also, think salem witch trials but switched for the beginning (and don't forget about the grimwalker situation)


  Hunter || The Golden Guard

  "We have to go, Caleb! They found another human and she's already been sentenced." A young man with long brown hair tied back tells me with a big smile.

  "Do we have to? It's the same thing every time." I ask and look up. There's a mirror in front of me and for some reason, I look totally different. My teeth are perfect and my scar is gone. Even my eyes are blue.

  "If we eventually want to be human-hunter generals, yes!" He grabs my arm and pulls me to stand up.

  "Fine, let's go." I sigh and within one second, we stand in a crowd full of people.

  "Death to the human!" Phillip shouts with the others yelling the same thing.

  I watch as two scouts drag the human on stage. Same thing as usual, but how do I know that? What's going on? I look up to the stage and my heart sinks.

  "Stop this! Stop this, now!" I push my way to the front and see Y/N being dragged to the noose.

  "Wittebane? Are you trying to protect this human? All humans are messengers from the devil!" The scout yells.

  "Let them go! This isn't right." I finally get close enough to see her. "Y/N? I'm sorry, I can't- they won't listen!" I call out to her desperately.

  "Hunter?" She says with wide eyes.

  "Please don't do this!" I beg as they put the noose around their neck.

  "I'm sorry." She says quietly, not even trying to fight back. She has tears in her eyes and everything in my body is going crazy. Phillip holds me back as I thrash, just wanting to get to them. Just wanting to be near her and stop all of this.

  "Please! I don't want to be without you." I call out one last time before she's taken away from me. Her lifeless body sends chills down my spine and it feels like my heart was just ripped out of my chest.

  "PLEASE!" I yell and sit up from my bed, panting and gripping Sprig. It's alright, it was a dream. That all felt so familiar. Like he'd already been through it before.

  What was that? That was so bizarre. I looked so...different. Who even is Phillip? He never told me his name. And why were they against humans? My heart still beats a hundred miles a minute. I want to see her, I want to know she's okay. Just telling myself she's fine in the room right next door isn't enough.

  And just on time, there's a knock at my door. I yell a tired 'come in' that's filled with relief. They're safe. The door opens showing her with tired eyes. But she still has a small smile. My heart changes again which is weird but I try to ignore it. My cheeks burn red from her seeing me in this state. I'm kind of sweaty and I probably look terrified.

  "You okay?" She asks.

  "I'm A-okay, just a bad dream," I assure.

  "Oh." She says before walking over to my bed. She lifts up the blankets to the opposite side and keeps her smile. "Don't mind me, excuse me, sir. I'm just gonna...hop on in." She says while climbing under the covers and laying beside me. For some reason, my cheeks get warmer.

  "What are you doing?" I ask her.

  "I'm tired. And you know, when you have a nightmare you want someone there. We can talk about it if you want." They tell me.

  "I don't wanna talk about it," I say quietly. It would be embarrassing to say that my nightmare was about losing her.

  "Okay. Is it cool if I stay here?" She asks.

  "Yeah, yeah. Just don't kick me or anything." I can't help but smile.

  "Goodnight." She hums as her eyes shut.

  "Goodnight," I say back and shut my eyes too.

  It's gonna be hard to fall asleep now. That dream was still so off-putting. Everything about it was so familiar. But I know I haven't gone through anything like that. I don't know anyone named Phillip and I definitely don't look like that. How did I even know his name? He definitely didn't tell me. Those things consume my thoughts as I try to sleep but I can't.

  She's definitely asleep by now. Her breathing has changed and she isn't moving as much. But she does move slightly. They inch closer to me and it makes me nervous. And then, her hand reaches up to hold my arm. I'm blushing again for no reason and I hate to admit it but I want to be closer.

  I give her a lot of crap but I actually like being half of a pair. Especially with her. I move closer to her and her hand accidentally slides off of my arm. It was warm there, comforting. So, I do what any idiot would do and try to pretend it was never there. But that's hard because I maybe, kind of, miss it.

  It's two AM now and I still can't sleep. I know it's two because the air always gets way colder at this time. The chill immediately covers the room. It's one of the only bad things about living here. I turn over on my side to face the person beside me. They shift slightly as the air hits just over my bed.

  But then suddenly, she moves in her sleep closer than before. Way closer. Her forehead rests against my chest and her arms seem to want to move, wiggling slightly. Fuck it. I wrap my arms around them and tuck my head by their shoulder. Now I feel sleep creeping up on me. She's warm, a perfect contrast to the cold of the room.

  What is happening to me?

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