7.) Killshot

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"When did you two get here?" Belos asks as we both sit on the floor.

"We just got here not long ago when we heard the commotion," Hunter speaks up.

"I better get up there. Please inform everyone of Lilith's departure. You two will step up as co-coven heads." He says before walking out like nothing.

"I have no way home," I whisper in shock. "I'm like Spider-man."

"Go upstairs and get Sprig. I'll be up
soon, I'll tell everyone about Lilith." He stands up.

"Fine. Can you hug Steve after telling him? He's gonna be sad." I give a small smile as I stand up.

"I will but you're way too soft on them sometimes." He laughs. "See you in a bit."

My hands are still shaking like crazy and I'm trying not to freak out yet. Not until I get back to my room. I grab my phone from my pocket to look at as I walk so no
one will talk to me. I might break down and start screaming if I don't talk about my issues though. Either way, it's a loose-loose. What makes it worse is that my phone is blowing up from my sister.

luz: i'm so so so sorry
where did you even go?
maybe you saw but i destroyed the portal
so we can't go home now
i'm sorry
i had too
belos was gonna use it
but we'll find another way home
lo prometo

What do I even say to that? What do I even tell her? Both of us know it's not gonna be okay. Now I'm stuck in this castle. Everything sounded fine about staying here and taking control when I had a safety net. But now I can't go home so I'm stuck working for a tyrant. I'm trapped.

I do what Hunter said first and grab Sprig. After that, I go back to my room. I toss Sprig on my bed before I start freaking out. It feels like I'm not even in my body, more like my anger issues materialized. It's all a haze as I throw my stuff on the floor like a mad toddler. I was an idiot for even doing this job for control. Control isn't everything.

"Woah, what are you doing?" Hunter rushes in.

"I'm pissed off! At every one, myself, Belos. This sucks!" I shout and throw one of my pillows to the wall.

"Stop throwing things, that's not gonna help you." He criticizes.

"I'm stupid. I'm actually stupid. Now I'm stuck helping a tyrant and I'm coven head with a guy that hates me. I've manipulated everyone so I have no friends and I have no way home! And I was all 'I swear I'm a good kid' well, that's bullshit. Yeah, Y/N, that's a good one! And I still haven't picked who to interview for the head bard." I rant.

"I don't hate you." He mumbles.

"My mom is gonna kill me. I can already hear her saying it's my fault because Luz is younger. It's only two years but sometimes she swears I'm thirty and Luz is three. This is wrong, the system is shit.
Morally I've just committed a war crime, right? And don't even try to tell me Belos is a good guy because I've seen Harry Potter and I've seen Hamilton." I talk faster than usual.

"Just calm down, everything is gonna be fine. Belos isn't even talking about the Day of Unity yet. Just take it one day at a time." He suggests. "Do you want me to help you look through the applicants?"

"I don't need help, I need an exorcism," I mumble before hopping on my bed face first.

"Hold Sprig and take a deep breath," Hunter tells me before there's knocking on the door.

"Golden Guard! Are you in there?" I can hear Kiki's annoying voice.

"Come in," I shout and sit up on my bed before she opens the door.

"Oh, both of you. This is perfect, I have some things to go over. Congratulations, by the way. There's no one more perfect for this role than you two." She says, clearly fighting back tears.

"Thanks, Kiki." We say at the same time.

"The Emperor's ball is in a week so you two have to prepare for that. You two will interview head bard candidates in two days and take dance lessons for the whole week. After that, you have to take your portraits for the coven posters. I'll be leading the missions and training in your absence." Kikimora explains.

"Did you just say dance lessons?" Hunter asks.

"The head witches and I guess human are expected to dance at the ball. At least two dances, a quadrille and a waltz. Belos assigned you as partners so please try not to kill each other." Kiki sighs.

"Sorry you didn't get coven head." Hunter taunts and I have to hold back a laugh.

"It's alright, I'll just have to kill you both so I can get it." She says it like a joke but it's very clearly not.

"See you later." I smile awkwardly before Kiki slams my door.

"Can we move the story along already?" Hunter asks.

"Friendship bracelets?"

"Shoot, I forgot we were gonna do that."

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