22.) Beyond the Horizon

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TW: mention/description??? of a corpse

  "Everyone pay attention if you didn't last time. At our previous briefing, we had twenty-four hours until the Day of Unity. Now, we have five." Raine announces as we all sit around the table.

  "Eda is going to sneak into the tower so her curse can corrupt the spell. I'll control a pair of abominations to release Eberwolf's flesh-eating beetles into the crowd. It will create a distraction so big, that we can get Eda up with the coven heads. The spell will halt once it comes in contact with the curse. Once we get on the ship we can give Eda the sigil. Now it's time to head out so grab everything you need and head to your spots." Darius explains before everyone stands up to follow instructions.

  "Anyone need to use the bathroom before this make-or-break mission? I'm serious, guys, this is your last chance." I ask and no one needs to.

  "Are you okay?" Darius asks and accidentally scares the shit out of me.

  "Jesus Christ," I gasp. "I'm fine, don't worry." I turn it into a smile.

  "You're job is arguably one of the most important ones. Make sure everything goes according to plan and if it doesn't, take care of it. You're like that character in the movie you like! War of...something. I don't know." He tries.

  "You're so right!" I try to keep up my usual attitude.

  "Good luck," He nods with a small smile.

  "Good luck to you too," I respond back before he walks away.

  Everyone starts getting ready to head out. They get in their ships or their palisman to get to their spots. I'm the last one at the building. I stand at the front, watching everyone fly away. My hands are sweaty and shaky, it feels like my brain's about to explode. I guess that's not really much of a change from usual. It's only nine in the morning.  This is gonna be hell.

  It's also super hot outside. My stomach is filled with dread and my face is red just like it always is when I'm nervous. Great, now I'm sweating everywhere else. This is anything but the easy path. Before today my only problem for this year was saying goodbye to my senior friends. Now I just want to survive the day.

  Harry climbs up around my shoulder and gives me a look. It's time to go. Eda should be getting her sigil in a few minutes and everything should go according to plan. My palisman turns into a staff and I quickly hop on. I start going diagonally up as high as I can to see from above. I fly above the ships and make way to the head. From this high, I can even see Blight Manor.

  Those guys are pumping out Abomatons like crazy. Ships have been coming back and forth all week picking them up. My job is overall pretty boring for a while. I watch as the ships approach the head and as Eda gets ready for her sigil. She'll never be able to practice wild magic again. I'm surprised she went for this plan at all. So much of her personality is being wild.

  My anxiety only worsens as Eda actually gets the sigil. But this job is pretty tame until the draining spell is actually about to begin. That's when I have to actually pay attention and watch every aspect of the plan unfold. The next hour unfolds like a second. They finally land at the head and get to the hiding spot. Eda should be using the cloaking stone again in a minute.

  All Coven witches from across the isles have gathered in a large, circular area. Belos appears on top of a raised platform in the center, and the crowd gasps. Belos grins deviously, then projects a larger version of himself. Everyone starts cheering.

  "Children of the isles, for too long our world has been home to an insidious pox. A corruption that defiles the Titan's blessings. But today that changes. United with the Titan and the power of the eclipse, we shall wipe out wild magic forever. Paradise awaits." He says before the projection fades.

Something to Prove (Golden Guard x reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon