5.) An Ego Thing

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Hunter || The Golden Guard

I haven't talked to her in a week. It's our day off now so we're allowed to sleep in. But it's around nine o'clock now and I can hear her funny human music playing in her room. The students from various magic schools are coming to visit the castle today so there are some noises in the hallways. I turn around and take a deep breath. I've been trying to fall back asleep for only a few minutes now but I can't.

I slightly adjust my body before feeling something. I look down to see Y/N's stupid pink frog, tightly held in my arms. When did I do that? I move it over to rest on my pillow but I'm bored. I thought relaxing today would be more fun. That's when I hear them laughing just one door away. Maybe I've been feeling lonely.

But I don't miss her presence. No way, she's a terrible person. I should probably give her Sprig back. Great, now I'm even remembering his name. This is the worst thing that's ever happened to anyone. I finally find the motivation to stand up from my bed. I pick up the frog in my arms and take a look at it before shoving it under my arm. Now, it's time to embarrass myself.

I knock on the door a few times before she says to come in. Their music is calm and comforting, more so than I want to admit. She sits on the floor with her back leaning against the bed. A book rests on her knees that are up by her chest and she has a pencil in hand. But she doesn't even give me a look as I step inside.

"It's our day off, did you forget?" She says with way less conviction than usual.

"No, I know it's our day off. I just wanted to bring you this. I thought, maybe you'd want it back since...you know." I say quietly.

"Nah, you can keep him. Sprig doesn't like things to change so much." They still don't look up.

"Oh, okay. What are you working on?" I try to talk.

"I'm looking through applications for the new head bard. A lot of nerds, mostly."

"That's cool." I quietly mumble.

"Do you need something?" They ask, finally looking up at me.

"I don't know, maybe? I feel bad about what happened." I admit.

"You're apologizing?"

"Yes. I'm sorry for everything I said. I was mean and I might have gone too far."

"Okay." She nods and looks back to the papers.

"Why are you working on your day off?"

"My sister is on the tour right now. I would join them but I don't want to be anywhere near Kiki-bore-a." She sighs.

"That doesn't mean you have to work."

"What do you suggest I do instead?" She asks before immediately gasping. "You aren't suggesting-"


"An awesome-"



"Titan, that's not what I was gonna say!"

"Best friends day!" She cheers.

"What if Lilith doesn't capture the Owl Lady and we need to step in?" I try to reason with her.

"Then, we'll come back and step in. Well, you can step in, I'm not capturing the Owl Lady. But we can have a best friend bonding day! Go get ready, we're going shopping, to the beach, and maybe even go for a fly!"

"Fine, meet me in front of the castle in twenty minutes. But it's not a best friends day. It's a me making it up to you day."

"That works for me!"

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