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Me? Taehyung looked at him.

Yes... Kooky smiled at him.

So you will sign if I marry you...

I will...

Taehyung smirked at him... MrDump... Whatever happens, I am going to be the CEO...because I have the major share... Then about signing it's for another purpose.
Marriage...You?  Taehyung laughs loudly...
Who wants a useless like you? Go to some parks and make some disgusting flower crown or something you are good for that... Idiot.

Pay the bill... Taehyung looked at him.

I don't have cash... Jungkook looks at him.

I know... Good for nothing fellow... If you want to get married go find some brainless people like you... Stupid. Taehyung gets up from his seat and walks out making Jungkook alone.


Where is Appa? He asks the maid once he reaches Kim's mansion.  Namjoon asks for him.

Office room... The maid answers him politely.

He walks there...

Sit... Joon said to him.

Any problem Appa? He looks at him.

Yes... Let me say directly... What goes on between you and Jungkook?

Jungkook? Tae frown... What?

Tell me the truth... you were with him last week...

Nothing Dad... When I know that boy Hobi's child... I just console him and we end our problems by talking.

That's all...

Yes... Dad...

Someone said to me both of you have a relationship...

With that useless bunny-faced idiot... Never Dad... Tae said in disgust.

Namjoon looks at him... Stay away from that boy. He is not good for you.

I know Dad... I will... Tae smiled at him...

Oh. Hello brother... Long time no see... Soobin said to Taehyung.

We met yesterday... Taehyung looked at him.

Oh... Yaa... In Minnie's house...

Who is Minnie? Taehyung looked at him.

Who else my Jimin.....

Tae glared at him... Your?

He is my minne... You know he looks so beautiful and sexy...

Taehyung pin soobin to the wall ...

Stay away from him... He growled.

You just proposed to him... He doesn't say anything to you... He never going to say yes...

Taehyung chokes him and drags him up to the wall...

Taehyung. Leave him... Jin rushed to them... I said leave my son... He helps Soobin to escape from his grip.

Soobin's neck seemed red and he starts to cough badly...

How dare Taehyung? Jin glared at him.

Taehyung didn't say anything... He was about to go.

Like mother like son... Wants to kill others for them.  Jin said.

What did you say? How dare you say about my mother.

I will say about her... What the hell will you do?

Don't make me angry you... Fucking bitc...

Before he completes... He got a slap... Behave yourself... And this is my house... I am warning you Taehyung... Don't touch my son... He have equal rights just like you... If you do anything to him... You will suffer more. Jin said in anger.


Taehyung was in immense anger... This my house..... Equal rights... Jin's words were echoed in his ear... Bitch.... He grits his teeth...

He already enquired about his chance to be the CEO... But he is just a CEO without any power... Otherwise, he needs Jungkook's support.

He took his phone and dial the number which he saved as useless...


Hello... Jungkook?

No Jeon double bunny
Jungkook is the strongest.

I want to talk to you

Who are you?

It's me?

Who me?

Kim Taehyung... I need
You're sign. I will agree to
Your conditions.

Sorry... Not interested.

Jungkook listen. I am
Sorry for what i said to

Look mr... I very sad
Now... First, make me
Happy... Then we can
Thought about other things...

What's that?

I don't know but the word
Is good, right? Bad night...

Jungkook cut the call... Taehyung stared at his phone... Bitch... He murmurs.

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