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Yoongi anxiously read about the news of the dead body which was found near a park. The same park Jungkook visit yesterday. Kooki himself said to him...about the park and his new friend. He calls his friend...hearty lip...Jungkook is like that, he calls others what he likes.

Kooky....wake up...kooky...yoongi call him.

Only 5 minutes...he shows his 10 fingers.

Kooy..listen what was your new friend's name? Yoongi asks

Mr.hearty lips....he said in half sleep.

Kooky... I am serious...what is his name?

It's...Hoseok...Jung Hoseok. But his lip is like heart....he is so handsome and you know, Jungkook opens his eyes and looks at his mother with a bunny smile.


Both of us have green eyes... He smiles happily. The feature Jungkook inherits from his father...that ocean green eyes.
Yoongi stares at his beautiful eyes which glow with happiness. Yoongi always makes him wear a black contact lens for hiding his eyes.

Yoongi didn't say anything... He looks away...get up we have to go somewhere.



No school?


Yeah...Jungkook chirp in happiness.


Bunny...how is this?  Yoongi chooses a shirt for him.

Good... Jungkook said without looking... he was seriously on mobile.

Come both of them walk to the trial room... Yoongi makes Jungkook wear every dress he chooses for him and selects only the perfect one.

Papa... I'm hungry... Jungkook said to him.

Come... Both of them walk to Kook's favourite restaurant.

Yoongi stares at his child... Who was busy eating. ... Baby... Can I tell you something?

Yes... He said mouth full of food.

Bunny... Do you like Fin land...

Fin Land. . . Most the happiest country in the world... He said.

Bunny... we are... we are moving to Fin land... Yoongi said with a lot of tension.

Ok... When we are going to go? Jungkook looks at him.

Are you happy? Yoongi frowns.

No... I miss my Jimini and Soobinah... I miss my school, friends, mr. Kim, teachers, I miss everything...

Bunny... Papa is helpless...that's why.

Papa... If you are with me that's enough for me...I know my caty is chosen only perfect for me. He smiles.


Jungkook's pranks may be counted as a naughtiness of a hyperactive kid but observe him... He had the mind of a criminal... A criminal who wants to take revenge on his enemy and he will do that in any way... Yoongi said to Jin.

Who's the son of? ... Jin looks at him.

Yes... He is a copycat of his father... I don't want that. That's the main reason I am taking him away from here.

Yoongi... Past 18 years you hide his father from him but look at him now... Jungkook is nothing but a lighter version of Hoseok.   I told you... What happens in our home...


Yoongi where ever you go... Hobi will follow you.  And Kooky remains the same.

Then what should I do? I don't want my son to be like his father... What the hell i can do else?

Give him to us... Jin looked at him.

What?  Yoongi frown.

Give your Kooky for my Tae...

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