Chapter 14: We'll See

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Heart of Stone

Chapter 14

We'll see

Above Macaque stood Syntax and the Mayor. Watching the ash monkey walk around trying his best to figure out how he was going to get his friends out of the predicament they found themselves in. Walking through the vail that the science wiz had made specially for him.

"He likes shadows...perhaps it's time the with him." the mayor smiled as he watched.

Macaque felt the veil he walked through. Being as old as he was you didn't feel all sorts of things more then once. The lights went out and he felt the cold air flush over him. Everything in front of him looked dark and dim.

"What the actual fuck?" He looked from one end of the room to the next. He turned around to go back out the way he came but he couldn't do it. It was now just another metal wall.

"What the hell happened?"

The Mayor smiled as he held up the shadow lantern and chuckled.

"What indeed." He smiled into the lantern and sat back watching Macaque walk into the only building in that little area.

A fun house.

Macaque heated places like these. He never went into them because he could never take them seriously. He walked over to the large wheel and stepped up. It looked like the inside of a washer or dryer. One wrong movement and he was face first into the smelly old orange carpet that surrounded the wheel. He rubbed his cheek and growled at the wheel.

"When I get out of here I am going to burn this place to the ground." He stopped when he heard the soft cry. Bai He was crying, he jumped up and ran in that direction.

"Thats it, keep crying. Dads coming..." He growled as the floor spun in a different direction. He had no choice but to go another way. Running into punching bags, floors made of stuffed animals, and the worst...a mirror maze. He panted wishing he had some water to spray the mirrors so he knew not to slam into them.

He growled and punched the mirror. It shattered...but then it fixed itself. Macaque gasped and looked around.

"A magic fun house?" He looked around when he heard Bai He again.

"Help daddy! Its cold..." Okay it really was cold. This whole place was getting colder and colder as time went on. As if something was growing more and more powerful as time went on.

Finally! Through the mirror maze. Macaque went to step off the step and he fell.

"Excellent!" The Mayor's voice echoed within the room. He laughed as he walked over to the room. "The last piece to the puzzle is the perfect plan." He opened the door...but nothing was there.The tables that Bai He, Wukong, and MK were laying on were completely empty. The only one that had someone on it was Macaque. He smiled, waved...and poofed out of existence.

The Mayor's whole body quacked. He wanted to tear something apart, he wanted someone dead. To feel someone's bones under his fingers crack.

The scream that leapt from his throat was blood curdling.

He stopped mid way through. His eyes fell on the black monkey sitting on the side of the tomb. In his hands was a familiar looking skull.

"Let's get this perfectly clear worm. I'm not a hero, I am not nice." He hopped down walking toward the mayor who had stopped, his eyes on the skull. "I was going to leave you both alone. Let you stay peacefully. But then you came after my family." His claws dug into the skull and he glared down at the mayor who tried to reach for the skull. "So remember this as you slowly phase out of existence. You...started it." He crushed the skull. The scream that echoed within the quickly rusting mech.

Macaque's shadow faded out. Leaving the mayor holding whatever was left of his mistress's skull. Any possibility of her coming back, gone.


Two months later

"Bai He!" Macaques voice called out from the kitchen. "Come on or you'll be late for school!" He looked up as the young girl ran through the kitchen. She had a rain coat over her school uniform. A hat on her head. Her bag on her back. "Here." He held her lunch. She plucked the bag from his claws.

There was a soft beep from the school bus outside. She was iffy...she stood there looking up at him.

"Hey whats up?" He asked her.

"But what if he comes for me again while I'm at school?" She asked.

They both knew perfectly well who 'he' was. Macaque laughed.

"I doubt he'll be going anywhere anytime soon." He smiled down at her kissing her forehead. She turned to run out the door only to be pulled back into Macaque's arms and cuddled close for a moment.

"Love you baba."

"Love you too. Now get." He watched her run out into the rainy weather and climb the stairs onto the bus.

"You make a good dad." Wukong said from the table. Macaque rolled his eyes and turned to point the spoon at Wukong.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

The arguing kept on. Bai He smiled as she watched the temple disappear into the distance.

"My Hero..."

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