Chapter 10: Trying

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Heart of Stone

Chapter 10


Her hair was long, but it wasn't as long as she wished it was. Bai He looked down from the balcony she had in the room that once belonged to the Lady Bone Demon. The Mayor or...if that's what he in fact was. Had left her in the room and locked the door. He had plans so he didn't want to be disturbed by her 'futile attempts at escape.' only if she had a way to get down...or teleport...or even fly. But she didn't have those powers, not even a little bit. She could make an ice cube. But then she just kind of got sick and threw up. All that nice food she just finished eating. If there was one thing she gave credit to the mayor about. It was his ability to cook.

She sighed and shivered. She had begun to get cold...a lot. Actually after her night in the tower where Macaque had found her after she was beaten by her Caretaker she found that she just couldn't get warm.

Perhaps a nice hot bath?

Walking over to the closet where she knew were the night gowns. Looking through the night dresses she pulled out the least blue one and carried it into the joined bathroom.

OMG it was bigger then she thought. The room was so big, and the tub could easily fit 8 people comfortably. She leaned over and turned on the faucet and then another...and another...and...

"Getting comfy?" She jumped looking around at the door. The mayor looked on at her. She was short compared to him.

He leaned over and took her now exposed arm where the scars sat from her beatings.

"I imagine this...monkey did this?" His eyes looked up at her. They weren't fresh, but they hadn't healed properly yet.

"N...No. My caretaker at the orphanage did this." She told him. He let go of her arm. She knew he was used to doing things like this for his lady. But she was a little girl and backed away from him and kept the cloth fitted around her.

"And what of this caretaker? Is she still...there?" She looked up at him and shook her head.

"I donno. Macaque took me away from there. I was sick so I don't...I don't remember." She really didn't. The mayor slowly nodded and turned back toward the door.

"I see..." He looked angry for a moment. "Enjoy your bath my lady. I'll" That wasn't reassuring.

Bai He didn't like him. She walked over and tried to silently lock the door. As if she could possibly keep him out. She feared him greatly.

She tried to relax, she really did. But rather than getting into the bath like she really wanted, she just found herself pushing into the towel closet and sitting on the stool in there. It was just as big in there as it was in the bathroom. She sighed as she looked at the marble floor wondering just how Macaque was going to be able to find her? Who was going to help her, or even more? Would they?

She curled up on the chair and sniffled. Her head in her hands she pulled her towel closer to her face and started to sob. Her life had never been the best. Tossed from one home to the next like she was rent-a-kid. Beaten by her caretakers, possessed, and almost killed by the Lady Bone Demon...

"Bai He!" but the one person that gave her a little bit of hope...

"Bai He!" She ran her fingers over her cheeks as she heard her name. She looked up into the mirror in front of her. "Bai He!"

She gasped as she looked at the bright golden eyes of Macaque. It looked like he was looking down at something.

"It still works!"

What still works?


"The Lady Bone Demon gave me a compass to call her. She could see me in mirrors on the mech. Mk suggested you might be there. This easy the best bet to see if you were." He looked at the fact that she was crying, and in a towel and she could see his fur fluff up and he growled.

"He didn't hurt you did he?"

"N...No! I was going to take a bath, and the mayor barged in. I've locked myself in." She ran her fingers over her cheeks.

"We're coming Bai He!" He told her gently. I'm coming for you baby girl. Daddy's coming."

Heart of StoneOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz