Chapter 2: Nightmares

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Authors Notes: Because I've been getting so many views so fast I've decided to do another chapter :D Enjoy.

Heart of Stone

Chapter 2


Macaque left the small building he had been using as a hide out. It was nothing more than an old clothing store. Downstairs was the ship, upstairs were the apartments. It was all owned by an old woman who's only company was a few cats. Macaque didn't mind it too much. He was a quiet monkey and preferred to be left alone. Alone he always was, and alone he would stay.

"You don't like people do you?" The question came as a surprise through the clenched teeth of the little girl walking slightly in front of him so she could see his face.

"What makes you think that?" He was slightly amused. Perhaps the Lady Bone Demon instilled powers on her upon her departure?

"I donno, I guess it's cause you're always thinking, and quiet." She thought of it and she seemed to recoil into her own thoughts before she spoke again.

"I remember everything. Even the parts where she...hurt you." She hugged herself. "I tried to stop her, I really did, but it was like I was wrapped up in a blanket and couldn't move. No matter how hard I cried, and screamed. She wouldn't listen." She stopped at the corner waiting for the crosswalk to say she could go.

"I know, kid. I know. I was under her spell for some time too. Centuries actually, but we're free now. We can go about our lives like it never happened."

"I wish my nightmares would understand that." Macaque cringed at that. He looked down at her. Her hands were stuffed in her coat pocket as she started to walk again.

He understood about the nightmares. The thoughts of someone's ghostly claws ripping into his flesh like icicles. He visibly shuddered, Bai He looked up at him and smiled.

"It's going to get colder tonight." She looked up as the snow began to fall. The rain would more than likely freeze and cause the snow to get thicker.

Her cheeks, and nose were red and her lips were chapped from the cold.

"Alright kiddo. Looks like this is you." Bai He looked up at the large brick building that looked nice from the outside, and looked like a clean freak lived inside.

"Bai He!" Someone yelled from the door. The young girl looked up at the woman with close cropped hair, and a long dress on. In her arms was a very small infant. On her back was another. "Get inside! Last thing we need is for you to catch a cold!" She knew she was probably so late, but she was going to get yelled at for even being anywhere after the time given. If she was one minute late she would be in so much trouble.

"Alright, be good." Macaque motioned to the house. Bai He looked apprehensive for a moment, and that in itself caused Macaque to look up at the woman again. It looks like he had a job to do.


The Mayor had been sitting in the car for way too long, he hated it so much. He was not known for his patience. If it weren't for his lady he would have already taken over for her. He would have taken MK out at the very beginning when he dropped that key off in that pigs restaurant.

His teeth audibly grind as he thought of it. He really should have killed him when he had the chance.

His mouth broke into a sinister smile. His teeth looked to be unbrushed for some time leaving the teeth a nasty yellow. His hair was so unkempt, and his outfit was the same as that fateful day.

It was cold outside, yes, but he was also angry, angry that these people hurt his lady. He wanted revenge, he wanted them to pay, and in the worst possible way.

He pushed himself back down into the seat and growled.

"Macaque...when did he get here?" He glared at the monkey that seemed to be concerned for the little girl in front of him. He leaned in and spoke to her, only for another woman to walk up to her and pull her toward the house. Macaque looked concerned and disappeared into the shadows of the buildings.

"This isn't good...not now. Damn it..." He hated to say this, but he had to insure that this monkey wasn't going to get in his way. Turning the car on he started down the street.

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