Chapter 11: Here Comes...

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Heart of Stone

Chapter 11

Here comes...

"You are not coming with me." Macaque barked at Wukong, and MK. The kid looked up at Wukong who just rolled his eyes.

"Why?" Wukong demanded as he looked around at the darker colored finger pointed right at his nose.

"Because your going to make this a you thing, and I know how YOU are! This is just a quick, go in, get Bai He, beat the hell out of that mayor guy...and get the hell out." Macaque pulled his scarf tighter around him.

"Okay sure." Wukong said. Macaque's posture lightened as he looked at his golden twin.

"Really?" Macaque asked.

"Really?" MK asked. Wukong nodded his head as he pointed toward the temple.

"Yeah, I mean if you don't need us then we'll be on our way." Wukong told him. Macaque turned around to walk into one of his shadows. He exited it pretty quickly. Before him stood whatever was left of the huge mech. It stood normally, but right through its head and shoulders was a large staff sized hole. It looked dark, and dormant. The only thing indicating that there was anyone living within was a small light coming from the chest.

"So we goin in or are we just going to stand here looking at it?"

Macaque's shoulders slumped and he turned around to see Wukong standing there with his arms crossed, and MK standing behind him. Staff in hand and waving shyly. Obviously...neither had any intention of allowing him to go in alone.

"Damn it Wukong..."


Bai He looked down at the water. She didn't really want to take a bath, but she also didn't want to smell like an elephant. So she went. Scrubbing herself quickly, and then getting out.

To her surprise the Mayor sat down in a chair near the window. His eyes glowing a light blue.

"Did you enjoy your talk with...daddy?" His smile twisted into an almost sadistic smile.

Bai He's heart beat against her chest so fast that it hurt. She shook her head as she backed away from the Mayor. She hit the wall and squeaked as he reached out grabbing her chin rather forcefully.

"Its sad...isn't it?" He whispered into her ear.

She tried her best to push his fingers away from her chin. His nails were digging in.

"No...I want to stay with him." She told the Mayor. The Mayor leaned in and whispered into her ear.

"It doesn't matter what you want. You are just a vessel." He snapped his fingers and a pair of bright blue claws clamped down on her. "Take her into the dark room." he told the larger spider. The other two stood beside him.

"No! What are you going to do with me!?" Bai He yelled as the spiders walked her down the hallway.

"Oh sweet were the perfect bait...weren't you?" The mayor laughed. "Now all I need is to separate these two monkeys and I'll have all the pieces to the puzzle. Once I have all of them I'll be able to bring my mistress back!" He looked at the other two spiders and smiled. "Go...have fun." He smiled.

The Mayor walked into a separate room. Within were four tables.

"One table for each person who was once possessed. Plucking the shards of my mistress left behind within each of us. Myself, Wukong, Macaque...and that stupid girl." He smiled as he ran his fingers over the coffin in the middle of the room.

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