Why dont I know you?

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3rd person pov

It's a Friday afternoon, all the students had set up their dorms to their liking. Some painted their walls, some had lots of posters taped around their room, some just had the necessitates. Some even had service pets. Currently the majority of the students are in the common room. Some are on the couch, some on the floor, some sitting in the bar stools by the counter. Some are on their phone, Kaminari is flipping thru the channels trying to find something good to watch. 

"Wait go back!" Sero yelled as they smacked kaminari's arm. "Fuck yea buddy they got roadrunner omg I haven't seen that in years!" Sero punched the air in excitement. 

"Bakuuu when..is the f..food gonna be done?" Makoas whined as he slammed his head down on the countertop. "In a minute coco." Bakugo was surprisingly calm today which had made most of the students give him  looks throughout the day. Yes he hated the looks it made him feel like he was a little kid who got called to the front of the class because he was in trouble. Eventually he ignored the looks. Bakugo put fried chicken,  mashed potatoes and corn on all the plates and passed them out to everyone in the room.(what i had last night yummy)

"ya know kachann your cooking is exactly like mitsuki's cooking!" Midoriya said as he took a bite of chicken. "Don't compare me you nerd!" Bakugo replied in a annoyed tone. Mineta somehow got a hold of the television remote and turned the channel to naked and afraid.

"Thay kaminari what thize boobth do you think the ith?" Kaminari put down his plate on the coffee table and chased mineta through the room until he cornered him. Kami pulled out a pocket knife his uncle gave him when he was 8 . He held it to mineta neck and looked him in the eye. "I will slice your fucking throat right now and I bet not a single soul would say a word about it. In fact I think most of the people here would be up to helping me hide your body. Now to your room you damn pervert!" Kaminari threatened the small boy then put the knife back in his pocket. Mineta ran as fast as he could to his room and locked the door. Momo quickly changed the channel to Halloween. Iida glared at kaminari clearly not liking the way he dealt with the situation. Kaminari simply smiled at him then began eating and watching the television again. Midoriya's dutch shepherd service dog he had gotten no too long ago, because of his motor tics, started to cause him harm to himself ,was currently laying on her back gnawing on a dental stick. 

( this is a head canon of mine that I enjoy because well tics and tourettes don't really get talked about but  I will say  I don't have tics or tourettes so correct me if I get anything wrong.) 

"Aweee Bella you're so cute when you lay like that!" Midoriya basically beamed with joy then his head jerked the the side. He learned to not hold his tics in as he knows his classmates would absolutely beat anyone if they commented on them. 

Everyone put their plates in the zink and sero washed the dishes with todoroki drying them. Their shoulders bumped here and there which made them blush and scoot away each time. Neither of them was aware for their love for each other, so when they blushed or got nervous around the other it confused both of them.  

On the other hand bakugo and kirishima was well aware of their feelings for each other. When kirishima confessed bakugo was completely shocked because he was planning on telling his crush his feelings that day too. They have been dating for a week and a half. Not a lot has changed between the two. They always leaned on the other, slept in the others' rooms, even changed in front of the other from time to time. They haven't kissed yet, bakugo  would attempt to but always change his mind at the last minute and grab something behind kirishima. The redhead noticed this but hasn't told his boyfriend.

Bakugo and midoriya had dated for 2 weeks. At first it was going real well but soon they fell out of love for the other. Both kinda scared to tell the other in person they texted the other on the lines of  ' wish I could tell you in person but I don't like you like a partner I like you like a brother and I should have saw it sooner' both seeing  the others texts they felt relieved the feelings were mutual. 

( sorry bakudeku shippers but this is a kiribaku story. Also I do ship bakudeku so that's why I at least put this in).

Mina stood up from the chair arm she was previously sitting on. "Who is up for truth or dare!?" Sero, jirou, kami, momo, kiri, makoa, uraraka, tsu agreed. Bakugo, todoroki and iida wasnt thrilled to play. Eventually Sero persuaded bakugo and todo. Iids went to his room. The rest of the class who wasnt mentioned was already in their rooms. Sero and mina played rock paper scissors to see who had to ask the rest of the students to play. Sero lost unfortunately. 

"Ughhhhhh why meeee why do I always loooooose!?" Sero whined as they dragged their feet to the elevator. "Because you suck mullet face!" Bakugo yelled as the elevator door closed. 

After 20 minutes the res of the student came down except for iida and mineta. A certain individual with 6 arms caught makoas eye. Mina cleared her throat making his gaze come to an end. Makoa went to the zink and filled up his cup with some water. 

(Everyone sat down) 

"So cause I thought of  it I get to ask first. Makoa truth or dare?" Mina said with a smug smirk. Makos thought for a second sticking his tongue out under his mask. "Dare." Kaminari, sero, kirishima said" oooo your in for it!" In sync. Makoa cocked an eyebrow as that. "I dare you to wear a dress!" This made makoas heart thump in his throat. 'Really of all days you had to chose today the day I'm dealing with gender bad dysphoria! Come on dude not cool!' He thought to himself then let out a sigh. 

"And if.. I dont do that www..what will I have to do?" Mina's smirk turned into a mischievous smile. "Crop top and skirt with thigh highs!" Makos threw his head back in defeat then stood up. "Fine fine....I'll wwwwww.....-wear the damn dress. What k-k....ind cause if it's short or like a prr-..incess dress  imma kill you ." Mina gave momo a look and then she stood up, turned around to make a dress. After a few seconds she turned back around with her holding a black bodycon dress with a slit at the bottom."Here go try it on." Makoa went to the kitchen and crouched behind the counter then changed into the dress. "Mina...i am f-..feeling deeply uncomfy r- right now!" He said then stepped out from behind the counter. 

"You look good makoa." The same individual with six arms as before spoke up. Makoa practically snapped his neck to look to the male. "I do!?"  Shoji nodded and crossed his top set of arms over his chest. Makoa tugged at the dress in different places attempting to make it more comfy. "Ok..uh..- " "YOU HAVE TO WEAR IT FOR 30 MINUTES!" Mina blurted out which made makoa let out a loud long groan. He then reached behind the counter and grabbed his blacm demonias and put them on. "Done." 

(I genuinely forgot how to play truth or dare like the turns so I cut it short lol)

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