Can I do anything right?

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(time skip around 4 months later I'm gonna try to do a take on baku angst and fluff)

Bakugo pov 

I lay in my bed under the black cover pulled up to my chest. I've been overthinking everything I do with kirishima. Hes so cheery, kind, goofy, bright, understanding and I'm me. The damn grouchy, self centered, short tempered, weak, non grateful Bakugo Katsuki. 

I cant even kiss him nor cuddle him i cant even hold his hand for cry out loud because when I get nervous I accidentally activate my quirk and I don't want to hurt him. I take out my right hearing aid and set it on the dresser beside my bed. 

"I'm fucking useless." I whisper to myself as I feel tears seep from my eyes and slide down my face. "Great!" I sarcastically half yell as I wipe my tears away just to be replaced with fresh new ones. I roll over on my side to scrunch up in a ball and continue crying. Not even trying to be quite. Explosions setting off here and there. "Being in love sucks."

After a while I see my phone flashlight flickering signaling I got a notification. I wipe my tears almost clearing my vision and sluggishly reach for my phone. "Damn you kirishima." I mumble out and open my messages.

♡Red♡: Ya know you can talk to me if somethings wrong right? 

♡Red♡ I'm worried about you bak It breaks my heart to hear you cry 

Me: then listen to music 

♡Red♡: orrr I cld come over and keep you company?  


I sigh and wipe my face again. I contemplate if I want to bother him or not.

Me: fine but dont get us in trouble 

♡Red♡: okie-dokie

See what I mean by hes a ray of sunshine while I'm oscar the grouch. (Answer him peeps hes talking to you) 

I hear a thump from outside the door followed by a drawn out wheezy groan. Fucker tripped over his own foot again. I pulled the cover off and slung my legs over the edge of the bed. I yawn then sluggishly walk over to the door and open it revealing a tired kirishima still on the floor from where he face planted. 

"Yo you good?" I asked and shitty hair replied with a strained groan. "Can you get up at all?" He slowly nodded them got up on his knees. Is his- yep. "Come in here I'll take care of your nose." He cocked an eyebrow then touched his nose and looked at his bloody hand. "Oh." I offered him my hand and he grabbed it with a smile then stood up. We walked into my room and kiri shut the door then I sat him down on my bed. "Breath through your mouth and tilt your head forward not back. And when I get some tissues you need to pinch your nose with it." He nodded and I grabbed some tissues from the bathroom then give them to him. 

"When did it turn around to you taking care of me, I'm supposed to be taking care of you?!" I just sigh and lay back on the bed with my legs crisscrossed. After 15 minutes I check kirishima's nose and see it stopped bleeding so I throw the bloddy tissues in the trash. 

"Now relax uncross your legs and let me wash away your problems as I cuddle you." I uncross my legs and crawl up the bed so I'm lined up with the longer way of it. ( idk how to explain stuff ) "I'm g-" "You're not gonna hurt me dude remember that." He looked into my eyes and I seemed to relax a little so I slowly nodded. He crawled next to me and pulled me into his chest then pulled the cover over both of us. "Can I kiss you bak?" My jaw dropped and my eyes widened. "I-" i didnt know what to say. What if I say yes and I kiss him weird? What if I say no and he hates me? What if i say yes and i set of my quirk? What if i say no and he hits me? "Yea you can." He tilted my head up by using his hand againt my chin and looked into my eyes once again then his lips locked with mine.


We kissed for a few seconds but It felt like forever. We parted our lips from each others and we gently press our foreheads together."Hey bak you know I love you right?" I hummed a 'mhm'. 

I guess being in love isn't so bad after all. 

(Sorry for the weird ending lol)

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