"I'm in!" Maddie shouted as she raised her hand.

"...of the Bands?" Willow finished.

"No, I'm out." Maddie revoked putting her hand down and walking away.

"How about you, Liv? You sing while I kill it on the drums?" Willow asked while taking out her drum sticks. 

"Wills, I didn't know you played the drums." Liv said. 

"Yeah, I took it up recently." Willow said spinning the drum stick with her fingers.

Liv nodded. "Needed something to beat with a stick to release your frustrations about Joey not returning your affections?"

Willow pouted. "Why won't he love me, Liv? Why?" Willow started to bang on the locker with her drum sticks. "Anyways... The Battle. What do you think?"


"I think that Andie plays the bass, and if we were in a band, we could hang out without Y/N." Liv told the camera. "Oh, She's the girl that I secretly like and I was about to ask out but- Wait, I totally already told you guys this." Liv laughed.


"Oh, hey, Andie." Liv said as she and Willow ran over to Andie. "Willow and I are starting a band. Do you wanna be in it?"

"You bet I do." Andie told them. "A band with my girls?"

"Yes! We have a band." Willow announced.

"Oh, yay!" Liv cheered.

Willow gave a chest bump to Andie, then she gave one to Liv, who fell over.

"Oh! Oops, wrong twin." Willow said as she and Andie helped Liv up.


Later that night Liv, Andie, and Willow were getting ready to practice for the Battle of the Bands.

"All right, how about this for a name? Liv and the Blowtorches." Andie suggested.

"Um, Andie, I don't know if I necessarily wanna be 'Liv and the' anything." Liv told her. "You know, we need a name for us.

"How about The Dream? Because it was duct taped to my drum when I bought it at the thrift shop." Willow pointed out.

"Works for me." Andie said.

"Yeah, all right, The Dream it is. Let's do this!" Liv shouted.


"Okay, so two summers ago, I played lead guitar in the movie The Funaways." Liv told the camera with a laugh. "I mean, okay, so I mimed playing, but how hard can it be, right?"


Liv started to play her guitar off key and Andie and Willow shared a look.

"That was-" Willow started.

"Just don't say anything." Liv cut her off. "I already know. I'm also just now realizing that my movie guitar was not plugged into anything."

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