twenty one

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october 3rd 2015

y/n pov
I had tried to calculate the route from inside the van but after several turns and twists and stops I had given up. however, I was content with the knowledge that wanda was safe and okay.

the bag on my head had made me sweat heavily, my breathes were quick and tight. I didn't know the reasoning for the bag seeing as the van had no windows and the men were masked anyway but I didn't give it any other thought. I just had to figure out how to escape and get back to protecting wanda as quickly as possible.

the car stopped for the final time, I was lifted roughly, my legs were dead and therefore weak but they had no problem dragging my across stiff gravel before it turned into smooth concrete as we entered a building.

I listened for clues as to where I was but there really was no point seeing as I couldn't tell anyone so I gave up once again. without wanda by my side, giving up was becoming a habit.

after a few more lefts and rights, I was placed in a metal sort of dentist chair as my hands and feet were trapped trapped with metal clamps.

the bag was removed aggressively as I groaned at the change of atmosphere. I opened my eyes to see I was literally in a dentist chair.

"are we checking for cavities or what?"
I was punched directly in the nose, swiftly breaking it. I laughed as I dropped my head, the blood falling down my face and onto my stomach.

"you'll learn quickly not to use that mouth of yours"
the bald man sneered as I laughed again.

"definitely not the dentist"
he punched me again, in my head.

definitely concussed though.

the room spun and my head hurt and he laughed this time.

"leave us, I would like to have some privacy"
he smirked as the two masked men left the room.

"as I said before, your species interest me. but I have never been able to see one up close before"

"yeah? look all you like"
he put his hands behind his back as he leant forward, inspecting my face as he brought his hand up to my mouth.

I felt my fangs eject as my brain detected the threat. he tapped my teeth as I clamped my mouth shut.

"ah, shit"
I laughed hysterically as he backed away.

"you'll soon learn, girl. I can promise you, you didn't know pain before you entered this room"

october 2nd 2015

wanda pov

several shield agents littered the area that y/n was last, investigating the scene as I stayed in the car.

"you alright, wanda?"
tony poked his head through the window and I rolled my eyes.

"are you really asking me that, right now?"
tony frowned slightly at my tone and I sighed.

"im sorry, im just really worried, I mean, how are we supposed to find her?! she'll be miles away by now!"
I cried in defeat as I let my tears fall into my lap.

"hey, chin up. she wouldn't want you to be sad"
he chuckled but I gave him a cold stare.

"you say that like she's dead"
he blushed in embarrassment and stammered.

"well, wanda-"
I gaped in disbelief.

"you're kidding?! no, I cannot deal with you right now. I can't believe you would give up on her so soon"
I started the car, rolling the window down as I checked the review mirror.

"I-it's not like that, wand-"
I watched him try to explain himself as I drove away.


october 3rd 2015

y/n pov

he laughed as I screamed. it had been going on for around five hours but it was hard to tell really.

he had removed my ring, and had opened the window, letting the sun stream in onto my body. he let the curtains close again as I groaned in pain.

"wow, so it's true. vampires can't withhold sunlight"
he ticked something off of his list. so far he had done mirrors, holy water and my heightened senses.

"you knew that ages ago"

"I know, I just wanted to have fun with it"
he laughed as I felt my eyes tear up, the cold air hitting my open wounds as they stung.

"now how about we try that vervain one?"
he twirled the flower in his hand as my breathing quickened. vervain was not a flower I liked at all. it burned like hell and stung for hours afterwards.

I moved up in the seat as he grew closer, wailing in pain as my burns rubbed against the restraints.

he placed the flower near my face as I soured at the smell. it made my nose bleed and my eyes water.

I pulled on the cuffs as I yelled in anger, quietening slightly when I realised that they loosened slightly.

he dragged the flower along my face as I cried, hearing the sizzling of my face burning. he brought it down to my neck, caressing my body with the vervain as he stared into my eyes.

I shook my body, trying to get him to falter but he didn't pull away. I shook the metal harder and harder, crying more and more as I screamed for him to get off.

on the last tug, the restraints snapped and I punched him in his face as he flew across the room and into the corner. I released myself from the chair and found my ring to put on my finger once again.

"h-how? vampires can't get through that kind of metal"
I crouched down and held his face as I pout.

"im not a normal vampire, asshole. im the fucking original"


wanda pov

I decided to go home, knowing I couldn't do anything to help. I ended up falling asleep, not realising how exhausted I was.

dream pov

I walked forward as all I could see was white. there was no path or exit, just white.

"did I die?"

"no, idiot"
I slowly turned around at the voice and smiled widely when I saw y/n. she opened her arms towards me and I fell into her, missing her smell. I felt her kiss my forehead and I smiled. I pulled away to ask her a question,

"how are you here?"
my smile dropped as I looked to her in confusion.

"I have my ways"
she smiled gratefully and we relished in each other's presence.

"where are you?"
her hands trailed from my shoulders to my waist at the question. she brushed it off.

"don't you worry, I got out. I'll see you in a few hours"
she pulled her hands away, distancing herself from me.

"you didn't think they could keep me away from you, did you?"
she smirked as I slapped her shoulder.

"catch you later, maximoff"
she winked and walked away as I awoke.


word count- 1165

safe- wanda x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now