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september 24th 2015

wanda pov

I let y/n sleep in after I had apologised. she had said that she forgave me and that she didn't want to talk about what I saw. I told myself that I'd learn more about her someday, and that I had to be patient and wait for her to be ready.

it was 10:30am and she still hadn't woken up. I would be exhausted too if I'd seen what she'd seen. I forced myself to not think about it, but it was just so hard. it was so vivid and real, it was as if I was there.

the smell of burnt pancakes filled my nose as I cursed quietly.

I flipped it and saw that it was in fact burnt. I tossed it, disappointed.

"what's cooking, good looking?"
y/n entered the room, stretching until the bottom of the sweater exposed her stomach. I blushed violently. her voice was husky and her hair was messy. my knees grew frightfully weak. I held tightly onto the counter, just in case.

I blushed even more. stupid mouth.

she eyed me up and down and smiled with a nod, squinting her eyes slightly.

phew, if she could read minds...

I pointed at it.

"sorry, I didn't have time to brush it"
she blushed and she moved it around but I shook my head.

"no, no, I like it. it's cute"
I blushed a bit, her a bit more.

"so you like the sweater then?"
I poured more batter into the pan and let it sit. she tugged at it and looked down at it admiringly.

"yes, thank you. I love it"
her words had never sounded so honest.

"you better, I'll take these blisters with me to the grave"
I showed off my dry, sore hands and her mood dropped. she walked over and held my hands in hers, delicately as to not hurt them any further. I could only stare at her face as she inspected my hands.

"I'll get some ointment for those later"

"but for now..."
she kissed every single one of my fingers, pressing her lips against my finger tips. I felt my hands pool with sweat and my face burnt a deep, deep, deeeep red. I followed her lips as they kissed each of my fingers.

I can't even handle being kissed on the hand. what happens when she kisses me on the lips?
will that even happen?

"that'll have to do"
she kissed my pinkie, keeping her lips there for much longer than she had for my other fingers. she tilt her head up but didn't move, just staring into my eyes with a goofy smile.

she knows exactly what she's doing to me. idiot.

"m-much, thanks"
I mumbled as she pulled away. I gulped down the whine I could feel in my throat. she scratched my head, effectively messing up my hair. I was used to it at that point.

she sat herself down and served herself some pancakes with strawberries and chocolate. I tried to comprehend what had happened as I watched her eat like a horse as if nothing had happened.

I walked over to the bench, my legs wobbling slightly, and sat opposite her. I grabbed a plate and paused slightly when I felt no pain.

that's funny, my fingers don't hurt. her and those magic lips. I wonder what her fing-

"this is delicious, maximoff. when the hell did you learn how to cook?"
she has finished all three of her pancakes and was picking up the chocolaty residue from the plate with her finger, putting into her mouth and sucking it off. I gulped loudly.

it's waaay too early for me to feel this horny.

"I just did it like my mum taught me"
I told her in a monotone voice, zoning out as I stared at her fingers.

"really? because those tasted exactly like how my mum used to do them"
I blinked harshly, looking away from her fingers.

finally, a chance to learn more about her.

"did you cook a lot with your mom?"
she grabbed my plate and her own and headed to the sink. she didn't answer for a while, her back turned as she washed the dishes as well as several others that had begun to pile up.

"not a lot, no"
I watched her shake her head as I ran my finger along the wood of the table.

"what about your dad?"
I grimaced somewhat, afraid I had pushed too far. though, my face slowly relaxed when she answered.

"I wasn't really close with either my parents. im glad though, it made their deaths easier to cope with. but then that mean that...that amelia's death hit me like a bus"
I hummed along to her words. she was finally opening up and I wanted her to be heard.

"I'd never really loved anyone before her so dealing with her death was ten times worse than anything I'd ever felt before, you know?"
I nodded but I knew she knew I was.

"where's amelia's grave?"
she faltered slightly in washing the dishes.

"in new jersey. that's where she lived"

"I haven't been there since she died"

"well, you'll have me for support. I want you to be able to keep moving. you can't go on if you don't have closure"
she nodded a few times.

"alright, it'll be one hell of a road trip though"
she turned around and finally looked at me.

"can't wait"
we smiled at each other but her face dropped.

"shit, what time is it?"
her jaw was slightly dropped as she began to move, I checked my phone.

she sped up even more, rushing to the bedroom as I heard her yell.

"oh crumbs"
I scrunched my nose a little at her words.


"we're late"

"late for what?"

"for our meeting with, fury"

oh crumbs.

word count- 998

safe- wanda x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now