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september 18th 2015

wanda pov

I sat in the middle of tony and y/n as the crowd roared with chatter, the flashes of their cameras burning out eyes. after they settled down, tony cleared his throat.

"as you all know, wanda's powers have not been up to scratch as of late due to..."
he stared at me and I gave him a look.

"personal reasons"
I sighed in relief. you can always count on tony to save the day.

"because of this, she has become a target to many people who are against...enhanced individuals such as herself. therefore, we thought it best if she had a personal bodyguard..."
he present y/n who waved nervously.

"...who she now lives with in a disclosed location"

"this is y/n, everyone"
tony introduced her as she leant forward towards the microphone.

"hi everyone"
a few mumbles were heard and the questions began.

"when will you be returning?"
y/n and tony lay back in their chairs as most of the questions were concerning me.

"i'm not sure yet, probably when my powers get back to normal"

"are you two together?"
the next person asked.

"who me and y/n? god, no"
as if I didn't dream about her last night. the crowd laughed and y/n pretended to be hurt.

"no, y/n and tony"
I cowered away in my chair as y/n took the spotlight.

"oh yeh, me and tony are reaaaal close"
she grabbed him and kissed his cheek as he laughed, hugging her side. the people erupted in awes and laughter as tony revelled in the attention.

"is y/n single?"
the hall was silenced by the abrupt question. the woman asking the question was a tall blonde who wore red lipstick. she bit her lip seductively, awaiting the answer. I faced y/n and gave her a look of disbelief. surely not.

she smiled and made eye contact with me as she spoke into the microphone.

"she very much is, yes"
the crowd roared once again, y/n turned away and faced the blonde woman as I huffed.

"can I have your number?"
the woman would not leave it be. the look on
y/n's face said it all really.

"why of course you can, beautif-"
that's it.

"that's enough for today"
I shot up and waited for tony and y/n to stand. when they didn't, I silently groaned and left them to themselves. leaving a trail of steam from my ears.


wanda pov

y/n escorted me away from the building but the reporters still busied around us. y/n handed me my sunglasses. I didn't spare her my thanks. I decided to ignore her for the rest of the day because. just because.

I wanted to get a rise out of her. why? revenge. simple as that.

"where are you currently living, wanda?"
a man stuck a microphone in my face. y/n grabbed onto the man's elbow and dragged me behind her.

"you might want to back up, man"

"no, it's okay"
she stared in confusion.

"wanda, what are you playing at? come on, let's get out of here"
she sternly told me, partially tugging at my clothes.

"I can't give too much away but-"

she gave me a look of pure disbelief but I carried on, making sure to look into her eyes as she did to me earlier.

"we're currently living in a cabin in the w-"
my words were suddenly incomprehensible as y/n covered my mouth with her hand as I looked up at her with furrowed brows. they quickly softened when I saw her expression. she was furious.

"thanks again"
she smiled at the man before shoving me through the group of people as she kept her hand on my face. her hand was surprisingly cold.

we walked for a few more moments until y/n shoved me into a dark alleyway with my back to the wall. talk about dejavvu.

"can I take my hand off now or are you going to tell everyone your PIN number too?"
I looked up into her angry eyes and I shook my head. she took her hand away and used the same hand to pinch the bridge of her nose.

"jesus, maximoff. what the hell do you want from me?"
the cars beside us grew quiet as I reminded myself to never anger y/n again.

she grabbed my chin and despite her anger, she held it softly.

"now you listen to me and you listen well"
I nodded, too scared and too shocked to speak.

"I know you're angry at me maximoff but don't you dare ignore me when I tell you to do something because believe me, it is in your best interest to listen to the person who's protecting you from being kidnapped and killed"
I was astounded by her words. so much so that my eyes began to water. her face dropped dramatically and her anger immediately dissipated.

"shit, wanda. i-im sorry. was that too much? did I go too far? im sorry"
she pulled me into her embrace as I stay wide eyed. what am I doing?

"I don't know what I was thinking"
she pulled away to look at me, urging me on.

"I just got so mad, I'm sorry. I didn't think about what I was doing. oh, god. is someone going to find us now? we're dead. oh my god"
the realisation hit me. im so stupid.

"no. no, no. we're okay. besides, I need you to be endangered for me to have a job"

"we're in danger?!"
I panicked and her eyebrows raised.

"no, wands. it was a joke. to cheer you up, shit..."
she wiped my tears but left her hands on my cheeks. I held her hands as we stared at each other.

"I shouldn't have raised my voice. you just scare me sometimes, maximoff. im meant to protect you, princess and you aren't making my job very easy"
I looked down at my feet, feeling the tears reappear.

she lifted my face and held me in the palms of her hands.

"buuut... I do like a challenge now and again"
we slowly smiled at each other and I realised then that I wanted to be with her. I needed to spend the rest of my life with her. she messed up my hair with a chuckle as we began to walk back.

she kissed my forehead like it was nothing and grabbed my hand.

"come on, idiot. let's go home. im making your favourite"


word count- 1105

i think this is my favourite chapter
pls vote 🥹

safe- wanda x y/nWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt